90 days to live - Chapter 2

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I lift the dark hood of my coat to hide my face. The puffed edges stray to form a spacious oval so I allow the stray tendrils of hair to fall in front of my eyes. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I trudge forward to activate the control pad. As my request processes, I silently pray that today I will be left alone. My failure in the simulator has left me vexed and snappy.

As the door slides opens I’m greeted by a gust of cold fresh air. I’m still not used to the new sensation of unpolluted air. I inhale the sweet bloom of spring. I continue to trek forward, my legs slightly shaky from the exertion of the simulator.

It’s hardly surprising that the streets are very like the ones inside the simulator. The regenerated earth has been left with homes, buildings, basic technology and an ecological aura. I sigh in pleasure. Though I hate to admit it the Leto have done well in this aspect. Everything has come back; the plants, the wildlife and even the mortal humans I thought were lost to the technology.

The only problem is, they’re not normal. You take out the bad, you take out the human.

The cleansing worked more effectively than anyone could predict. Everyone is polite, friendly with no sins. However, the Leto didn’t succeed it keeping the cleansed pure. It won’t be long before the politeness ends and the real war begins. That’s what the STO is trying to do. They’re trying to show the people what the Leto have done; what they’ve become…and its working.

Everyday, after every STO public meeting, there are more outraged cries, more angry citizens and more people signing up to become warriors. It’s been 5 days and there have already been more than 750 humans sign up for the STO. Many of them are in a different section to me though; After years of controlling the technology, they’ve picked up a valuable set of skills and tips. A few however are fighting Warriors that battle alongside me.

I wander down the clean cobbled street. The sound of chirping birds jangle in the vacant air.  The avenue is completely empty; the monotonous thud of my boots echoes off the walls of the shiny, oblong buildings. Within each silvery grey structure, are about 20 compartments. These are the homes of the Warriors. They surround the main rectangular hub of the STO from all 4 sides.

The STO compound is an enormous white 3D cube otherwise known as the ‘Block’. It houses the simulators, the conference rooms, the gadget and communications room. The heart of the STO lies inside the Block. Obliterate the Block, tear down the STO.

I hike over a copious bank that encloses all of the STO buildings; the Block and compartments included. The invisible wall is the border for any intruders; the semi-permeable membrane allows no one but a warrior through. I hear the hum of the sensor as I pass through.

My feet stumble clumsily down the dewy grass until I reach the bottom of the levee. Crossing over the bank is like entering the real world, a world separated from fake simulation life of the STO compound. This realm is unquestionable; it has the real people with real homes and real lives. I feel like I can be the real Lara.

I cross the road at the bottom of the bank and head towards the fenced woodland park. It’s not late enough for the streets to be buzzing with people but not quite so early that these streets are empty. Unlike the warriors in the STO compound, these humans have irregular sleep patterns. Their exercise routines are not strenuous enough for them to treasure the solitude of unconsciousness; they’re not fighting.

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