90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. ii

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Slipping seamlessly from compartment to corridor, from corridor to street and from street to the Block, Ally and I run gracefully through the halls. Her laboured pants and clutches at her bruised abdomen present her struggles but she still refuses to slow down. The only reason for my agreement to her wishes is the fact the sharp bouts of pain only get stronger. I need to find him.

Our feet pad down the inert labrinyth of the Block. Luckily Ally has the map of the Block ingrained in her brain. At each corner we come to we stop and listen, waiting for someone to see us and set off the alarm. 

Vicarius' words replay over and over in my mind, forming a bitter taste within my mouth. My behaviour only proves his hypothesis; how can I become the one thing I despise the most. I swallow the bile that rises in my throat. The idea of habouring the morals of a breed that killed my sister and smashed my life to pieces in every way imaginable repulses me. 

"You didn't know did you Lara" Vicarius snarls.

"I didn't know what?"

"The darkness of a Torpens soul can be transferred to even the brightest of creatures. Jared's been through his change and now its your turn." Vicarius grins as if it is the best news he has ever heard.

"You really do not like me do you Vicarius?" I ask.

He shrugs and the chains clatter once more. "I don't like anyone - it is in my nature to harm and destroy" He smiles again. The serene calmness of his expression despite the situation is eery. This is a man who will face death in a couple of hours. 

"You couldn't have done a better job of that" I whisper to myself. Vicarius' smile widens; I know he heard that.

"Well what does this mean if I 'change' exactly?"

"It means you will remain as a Torpen forever" 

"Forever?" I echo his words. My fists clench and Ally grabs my hand. I had almost forgotten her prescence behind me. She mouths 'it will be okay'. I nod at her before turning back to Vicarius.

"The only way you will become yourself once more is for Jared to provide you with the love and support you served him."

I sigh with relief; Jared loves me. We can overcome this.

"I wouldn't look to hopeful Lara. After what he's going to go through at the Sicarii base, I highly doubt you'll want to be near one another" Vicarius speaks again. I swallow and grip Ally's arm tightly until she whimpers.

"Lara we have to go" She commands slowly. She moves to grab my arm to pull me along but I twist my body out of her reach. She sighs and moves to the door; she knows I'll follow. I can't stay here anymore. My limbs feel heavier and I struggle to move myself towards the door.

"I don't get a goodbye Lara or even a thank you? I've done so much for you" Vicarius' voice causes me to stop in a my tracks and turn around slowly. He thinks he's helped me?

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