90 days to live - Chapter 16

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I'm going to Greece tomorrow and I felt that I couldn't leave it on a cliff-hanger. Please remember to comment and vote - there is nothing I enjoy more then logging on to read all of your incredible comments.

My eyes open. Kyle's crouches in front of me, pressing a cold flannel to my brow, smiling sadly. My gaze darts around and I note that I'm back in the compartment, lieing on top of the covers in Iron's bed.

"Jared." The whisper escapes my lips before my brain has time to register the words.

Kyle's smile falls.

"He's here in the dungeons." He says. 

I glance around the room again. Sunlight streams through the ample french window. I must have slept through the night judging by the late morning sun. I bolt upright.

"We need to leave for the mission." I gasp.

"Lara, they left a few hours ago." Kyle says. 


"The rescue mission left a few hours ago."

I squint my eyes in disbelief. "Why the hell did you not wake me up?"

Kyle's expression is neither guilty nor apologetic as it should be. Instead he grimaces and continues to stare grimly at me. He sighs and pushes himself up off his knees and settles himself on one of the funky circle chairs.

"Nathan, Iron and I decided that it was sensible for the two of us to stay behind here and remain in charge. It would not be good leadership to leave the STO to flounder on its own while we're risking our lives." Kyle says.

"Bullshit." I snap. "All our plans were finalised last night. Iron wouldn't have authorised change so soon for those reasons. It is because of Jared isn't it."

"That is another reason." Kyle admits, running a hand through his copper hair. It flops in an unruly fashion in the way Jared's did last night in the control room.

"Be honest." I say irritably. 

At least Jared used to do that.

"Fine." Kyle says. "We weren't sure how you would react to Jared's appearance last night. We also decided it was your verdict to award him sanctuary or not."

"So they just left?" I ask.

"It's whats best for the STO." Kyle responds. "Now about Jared."

"He works for the Sicarii." I sigh. "Are you sure he's not a spy?"

"He refuses to co-operate." Kyle grimaces. "And we cannot torture him any further seeing as the wounds and injury to his body is too substantial."

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