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To Alex Lawrence and Milly Ball, I'm just going to apologise now.



The revolution ended.

The Sicarii disbanded. The majority were captured as prisoners and demobilised at a later stage. The few that escaped now cause no harm or disruption, but fulfill their role as the practical, domestic helpers that Carlisle designed them to be. When Ally recovered, she ordered the Rex to be immediately demobilised, not be able to stand the idea that he was still within the living world.

The Vial worked just in time to restart her heart - Lara managed to insert into her system a mere few seconds before it would be useless. It took months for her body to fully repair itself and even then she still struggled to overcome the trauma of all of her experiences. On top of everything else, Ally learned that the baby she had been pregnant with before her weeks of abuse was lost. That hit both her and Iron incredibly hard. Despite Iron's omnipresent resentment towards me at the time, I couldn't calm my remorse for the both of them.  She later wrote an autobiography about her experiences so far. Instantly it became a best-seller, a nationwide favourite on the shelves of every person's bookshelf. It seems that  every person wanted the book written by the famed Dimidium.

Writing was the therapy, Zena recommended for her. John tailed Ally to Ferna to monitor her progress. It worked well enough because 10 months later she found herself pregnant once again. Standing by Iron's side while she gave birth to Joel was one of the happiest days of both Lara and I's life.

Of course Iron tried to help her through everything. The screams, the therapy and the writing of her book. When Lara returned Ally to the infirmary, apparently he was lieing unconcious on the floor, John kneeling by his side.

'His vitals are working just fine. It seems he was knocked out' John said.

When he came to, it did in fact prove to be evident that the Leto Rex ambushed him from behind - a backhanded move.

Iron and Ally moved to Ferna, trying to find a semblance of a happy memory for her. Iron works as the manager of a thriving security business, working to protect both others and his new family. While Iron works, Ally finds comfort in writing more books within the safety of their large mansion and taking care of 3 year old Joel. She still finds it hard to venture out into the menacing confines of the unknown world. Everything is so different from the world we grew up in.

The cities, the people and the atmosphere are all foreign to us. The cleansed humans don't notice it but the rest of us do. I finally was able to see the real world outside of the STO and Sicarii compounds. The sea of obelisks were removed in the regeneration as were the other replicas. We're free to design the world in the way we want it to be, personalising it to our own tastes. There is love and peace but there is also the essential technology we need for our way of life. Its the perfect balance.

As for Lara and I, after the revolution ended Lara wanted to be based in Corruptio to be near her mother. Zena moved along with us because Lara also experienced anxiety conditions. Being 3000 miles away from Ally and I made the decision even harder for her.

Terrors and traumas become her constant companion and no amount of help could quench the fear. She would never tell me the cause of her nightmares and I didn't probe into it at the time. I wish I had though. It might of helped.

The end of the revolution for me meant freedom; freedom to spend my life with Lara and our beautiful 5 year old daughter Kylie who we discovered we were pregnant with 8 months after the end. Kylie is now the hopeful ray of sunshine in my life.

It was Lara's idea to call her Kylie no doubt in remembrance of Kyle. He's not dead but we haven't heard from him since the final meeting of the STO to decide the fate of the Sicarii. Lara was devastated by his disappearance from her life but in time, she came to accept it. Love is turmoil and Kyle was not able to conquer his feelings.

I have to write this now though each time I remember, a tiny part of my soul is torn away from me. Because that is what happened. My soul, my Lara was taken from me.

It has been 5 years since her passing. I feel I owe it to the readers to tell you all what happened.

During the period in which Lara gave birth to Kylie, something went wrong. I can't say what because even the doctor's do not know.

'A natural occurence.' The doctor, dressed in blue scrubs had said to me. 'I'm so sorry for your loss.'



Kylie was born prematurely, far, far too early and Lara's body didn't make it through the birth. With no Vial in the hospital, it was too late when the bottle finally arrived. I can't say that the 5 years without her have been easy at all. In honesty, I would not even be here if it weren't for Iron forcing the Vial down my throat.

'Don't take the simple way out and give up' He'd said firmly to me. 'You have your daughter to think of now.'



I do not regret a second of the time I spent with Lara. Whether we were fighting, protecting one another or simply being together, they were some of the best days of my life. In a odd way, I'm grateful for the Leto and their conditions. Otherwise I would never have met the girl who captured both my heart and my soul.

I realise now that Kylie is far too precious for me to even consider ever leaving her alone. She is so like Lara. Her mannerisms and her features remind me of her so. What I love most about my daughter though are her eyes. They are exact halfs of both mine and Lara's.

She'll ask questions one day. Perhaps:

"Where is mummy?" or "Where did you and mummy meet?".

I will answer her as honestly as I can. In school she'll learn about the Leto takeover and the part Lara and I played within everything because it is now an important battle that will go down in our history. However my answer to the second question will be to give her these books.

Lara wrote her story in the form of these two books while she was pregnant. She died before she could write our ending, so I knew I had to finish our story. While this may seem like a sad story, don't think of it that way. This is a story of both bravery, adventure and love.

We had our 90 days to love and we survived our 90 days to live and I wouldn't wish for it any other way.

The end.

Thank you so much for all of your support for this sequel. I really hope you have enjoyed it. I'm quite melancholic to have finished this story but I wouldn't even have got to this point if it wasn't for all of my lovely readers. I love you all!

Sophie x

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