90 days to live - Chapter 7

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The feeling of slipping in and out of conciousness is odd. My body doesn't feel like mine. I can't lift my limbs, my brain feels foggy and woozy. It is as if I'm a stranger within my own anatomy. Yet for once it is not me at fault for my deadened state.

I'm being kept under sedation.

Everytime I awake, the needle sears my skin and another dose of morphine is forced upon me to enter the bloodstream. I can't escape. However the efforts to tranquilize me are only half-hearted; I'm trapped inside this eerie state of sciolism. Halfway from sanity, halfway from madness.

"How is she?" I hear Carlisle's voice distantly.

"She's awake now but that thing almost killed her" I hear Iron snarl. "Her shoulder is dislocated, her collar bone is broken, she has a severe concussion and her bruises are awful. She won't let me look at her anymore"

Without thinking, I attempt to lift my arms and legs but nothing hurts? I'm not awake as far as I know? Who are they talking about? Trying to refocus my brain, I listen in to their conversation.

"I will check up on her later" Carlisle says.

"Carlisle I don't know what to do. When she first awoke she kept incessantly murmuring something like 'shut it down' and now she won't even look at me" Iron says. I hear the crack within his strong walls.

They must be discussing the events of Ally's weakness simulation. One words revolves around my mind at the thought of the Dimidium:


"We should have stopped the simulator earlier; If only we'd known"

"But she never mentioned it"

"We'll wait for Lara to wake up and then we will hear her take on the event" Carlisle replies.

I feel like screaming that I am awake but no words pass through the barriers of my lips. The morphine slows my thought process and makes my body feel heavy. My groggy sense of smell begins to awaken but I don't register any familiar smells.

"Why has she been sedated for so long?"

I wish I could throw my hands up in appreciation of Iron's question. He's right. Why have I been kept sedated for so long?

How did I even come to be in this position? I recall the Leto Rex approaching Ally while Iron slammed his fist against the screen of glass, yelling her name as I sat in silent protest. My last memory is of my silent protest as I deigned to help the traitor.

The utter lack of recollection frightens me. Did I faint...wait! I must have fainted. It is the only explanation I can think of. Yet why did I haze? Did someone upset me? I groan in frustration - if only I could remember.

"Carlisle she is awake"

I feel my fingers twitch and my eyelids begin to flutter. I draw in a breath of the life around me and the surreal normality hits me at full force.

Zena's office, sealed walls, old dentist chair, rainforest picture, Carlisle, Zena, Iron...Lara.

I groan as a thundering pain within my head rolls in. My hand instinctly raises to cradle my forehead before a excrutiating pain in my left abdomen strikes. I scream out. Perhaps I will pass out with the pain? I preferred the isolation of unconciousness to the company of a million knives in my stomach.

"Lara how many fingers am I holding up?"

My weary eyes groggily sense a shadow overcasting my face. The fuzzy black shapes approach my face, rapidly increasing their clarity.

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