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Finally it was lunch... my favorite time of the school day.

As I walked out of the detention room I could practically feel Andy following me. I refrained from talking to him as we made our way to the lunch table... before I was stopped by a familiar face.

"Hey Norie," Jullian smiled, giving a side glance to Andy, who apparently decided to stop as well.

"Hey Jullian," I said giving a small smile, taking out one of my earbuds. 

"You want to sit over with me today- there seems to be an open spot since Veronica is at the nurses office because apparently she got punched in the face... weird," He chuckled, giving a quick smirk before continuing, "so?"

"She sits with me, thanks for offering," Andy buds in, followed by Jullian's face turning into a scowl.

"Didn't know you were Norie," he sneers as they begin to start a glare-off.

"You know what that sounds fantastic, I'll see you around Andy," I say, watching Andy's face drop, then him nod.

"Whatever, hope you're having a good time sporting those bruises, Jullian," He mutters before starting to walk off.

"That resulted in my having a really good time actually, so I guess I should thank you," He grins turning to me, giving me a wink, which I try to ignore. Andy quickly stops before turning back around, giving him a menacing glare.

"You what?" He says, fury written all over his face.

"Just ignore him Andy," I muttered, grabbing Jullian by the arm, "Let's just go." 

"What? Can a boy not just have a little fun?" Jullian chuckles, getting a well deserved glare from your one and only (that's me).

"No. There's no point in pushing him anymore than you already have," I scoff, approaching the table.

"Okay, mom," He grins as I give him an eye roll, stopping when we get to the table.

The table consists of almost every single person I hate in the school... because they're all associated with the one person I hate the most: Veronica. It consists of mostly guys, besides 3 girls which 2 of them are Veronica's minions.

"Why the hell is she here? Shouldn't she still be rotting in detention," One of the minions 'whisper' to the other, both of them giggling.

"Shut the hell up Macy, my god why are you here? Not one person here can deal with your voice," One of the boys snarl back, going back to his phone. I stop myself from laughing as I watch her sit there, speechless, "And close your mouth, you're going to attract flies," he mutters, making some of the other guys laugh. She quickly shuts her mouth and looks down, as if she was a scolded puppy.

"Nice introduction Alex," Jullian chuckles, "anyways this is Eleanor, probably none of you know her," he continues and I turn to glare at him, which he looks back with a grin. He sits down before tapping the seat beside him, instructing me to sit. 

"Finally another non-plastic girl at the table," Lauren scoffs, the other girl of the group. I see the other minion scoff and glare at her, which she gives one back, "Yeah Sophie, neither you, Macy, or Veronica are real, just ask your surgeon, have an issue?"

"Whatever," Sophie mutters, giving a small eye roll.

"Anyways... before I was interrupted," she mutters, giving a side eye to Sophie, "I'm Lauren, basketball player, volleyball player, but most of all soccer captain." She smiles, which I nod.

"I know generally who all of you are," I chuckle, which she shrugs.

"You do any sports?"

I shake my head before giving a subtle sigh, "Nope, I used to be in soccer but I quit when I broke my arm when I was 8 I was scarred for the rest of my life, so that's the only sport I've played."

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