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I wake up yet again in a bed, not remembering how I got here.

"I know Jewel"

I turn my head to feel a tough surface, which is when my eyes bolt open.

"Morning Norie," A familiar voice chuckles, which I let a out a small breath of relief.

"Good morning Jullian," I mumble into his clothed chest, slowly getting up to rub my eyes.

"What no more Jewel?" He asks, which I sigh, yawning.

"Don't get to used to that, rare occasions only," I give a lazy smile, basically falling off of the bed, my knees hitting the ground with a thud.

"You okay there?" He asks, looking over the edge of the bed to see me sprawled out on the floor, my face planted into the carpet. I mumble a yes before slowly closing my eyes again, almost falling asleep on the floor. "You know you can come back onto the bed-"

"No it's fine, I'm good here, it's too much work," I wave him off, which he gives a low chuckle.

"Looks like you really didn't change much huh?" He says, probably smiling, which I shrug.

"I dunno, now shut up so I can sleep."

"Yep, not a thing has changed." 


I wake up for the second time to be back on the bed, turning to see Jullian... reading a book?! "Since when did you read... and since when were you all of a sudden into Harry Potter?" I ask, nearly jolting awake due to this new discovery. He lets out a small shrug, continuing to read.

"Somethings I guess you never found out," He mumbles, which the air fills with tension, making him let out an awkward cough, "that's not what I meant-"

"It's fine, I'm going to go rinse off my face," I say as I slowly make my way off the bed, heading to the door.

"Second door on your right," he says before I can even ask, I let out a slight nod before heading down the hall and into the bathroom, locking it behind me.

I let out a deep breath, pressing my hands against the edge of the sink, staring at my reflection. I know we're going to have to talk about it eventually... this morning eventually, but I don't know when, or even if I want to know. I haven't seen him cry since his goldfish died in 2nd grade; RIP Herman. Before I can think of anything else I quickly re-do my hair, splashing some cold water on my face to wake me up some more, though I'm still sleep-deprived.

I walk out, heading back to the room to see he's gone, and so is his book. I slowly turn back around, walking down the hallway I was walking before, stopping when I see family photos alongside a large friends/family collage on the wall. I slowly scan over the family photos, remembering Jullian at that age, both happiness and sadness coming over me.

I turn my attention to the collage to see plenty of childhood photos with me in them, Jullian and I getting Herman, Hermans funeral, me in the hospital when Jullian got me that giant teddybear that's now tucked away somewhere in the attic, our first halloween and christmas together, as well as many other events. Tears come to my eyes with a stupid smile plastered on my face as I remember all of the fun times together, and it slowly turning around realizing how it's all turned out now.

"You two were some of the cutest kids I've ever seen," someone says from behind me, a hurried breath coming from my nose, "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you, Elle," she says, which I turn around quickly and give her a hug.

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