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When I looked at the rear view mirror when I dropped her at the side of the street, I saw her running and four guys were chasing her. Good there were not enough cars in that street I was able to  return to her. I saw the guys were gaining on her so I sped up to her. What the hell did just happen Seth? Di you just got involved in a crime?

"What the hell was that? Are you a criminal or something?"


I looked at her and saw her frightened look. She was shaking and then she started crying. She is so afraid.

I saw the sign of a famous drive in and drove in immediately. We were led to our private garage. The gate leading to the room that we will never use opened and closed when I have parked the car. She is crying uncontrollably now. I took her in my arms and stayed that way until she stopped crying.

She straightened up and refused to look at me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Aaron."

"What just happened? Why are they chasing you? Who are those men? Are you a criminal?"

"That's John and his men. John is the guy I am supposed to get married to."


"His parents and my parents had an agreement when I was young with the help of a match maker that we were to get married after I finished college."

"How old are you!"


"And this John?"

"Twenty six or twenty seven"

"That old?"

"Age does not matter to them."

"Why don't you wanna get married to John?"

"I don't love him"

"But do people still get married because of love?"

"Yes. Why Mr Aaron, will you not get married for love?"

"I'm not the one being arranged to marry someone here. Do you know where we are?"

"Nope. Where are we?"

"The garage of Athena's Hotel"


"Don't worry I 'm not the type who forces my women. There was no where else to go and you were crying uncontrollably. I drove in here. I have no intention of going up that room. So if you're okay now, let's go."

"Uhm... I have no where to go. My flight for Turkey will be tomorrow evening. And I can't trust any of my friends."

"No best friend? Why Turkey?"

"Turkey, no extradition. No best friend. No close friends"

"So what will you do now? Where will you go?"

"Can I crash in your house? "


"Please, sir. You can just let me stay in the garage then I will be gone before you know it."

"Oh damn! What have I done to desserve this? Let's go then. Let's pay first."

Normally after a good fuck with my date, I leave them or I let the driver bring them to their homes. I don't bring them home. No girl has been in my house except my Mom and the maids.


I hope he agrees. I am so desperate. I can't wait for tomorrow so I could leave here and stay away forever. Mom I'm so sorry but I need to do this. I know that you and Dad want the best for me but John is not the best option Mom. I don't love him at all. He is not the one for me.

"What is your name?"


"Your name. I guess it's just proper that you tell me your name. I am saving you from whoever is looking for you right?"

"Oh...I'm Anna Ortega."

"Any relationship with Henry Ortega?"

"He's my Dad."

He looked at me.

"No way?"


"And who is this John? "

"John Sy"

"John Sy? He's old and why the hell will you be arranged to marry him?"

"Tradition. Age old tradition."

"But your Dad is a millionaire. So you don't need to be married to someone you don't like. Unless....is your Dad going bankcrupt?"

"Not that I know of. John and I were
Arranged to be married since I was 3 I think."

"But he's John Sy. Girls practically beg for him to bring them home."

"Like you?"

"Nope. I get the 9, he gets 1 if we're in the same room"

"Oh sure."

"So what will you do now?"

"Go to Turkey."

"I don't know why I'm doing this but I'm sure you will be grateful I did. So let's go."

As we drive out of the sleazy hotel, I opened the car window and breath a fresh air. I'm finally free. Well not totally yet but in a few hours now. I looked at Seth Aaron and he has this look on his face, pity. He pities me. Well, that is not my concern anymore, all I could think now is, I'm going to be free.

THE BILLIONAIRE'S YOUNG WIFE #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now