30. WHY

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Seth? Is that him? What is he doing here in Baguio? It's been 4 months since I left him. I did not want to see him before I left. His mom was angry at him at that time too. I have been staying here for four months now. His mother would not allow me to go away without her knowing where I am and she wanted to support me. My parents do not know where I am hiding too. My mother in law made it a point that they will not be able to find me.

The last time I saw him was when he went to Faye's house. It was really accidental. I was driving back to the office when I saw Seth and Faye getting off his car. I stopped and saw them that they were going in a house hand in hand. Well her arms were wrapped around his arm. I wanted to go to them and ask but I realized I had no right. I thought of our arrangement. Yes I had no right. When I get home that night he was not home. He did not report for work the whole day and he did not come home early. I went to her mother and told her what I saw. She was so mad that she was the one who helped me leave him. I stayed at her cousin's house until ahe found me a place in Baguio where I could stay. She found one in a couple of days. Where I stay is a very private place. It's the property of a family of a politician. The politician and his family are already staying in the US. I have been staying there with one maid and one driver bodyguard that Mommy Ebbie trusts. They are married to each other and Seth do not know them. I go around Baguio without being noticed by anyone. Maybe because Baguio people either do not know me or they do jot give a damn about me. I am not almost six months pregnant. My tummy is so big that moving around has become more difficult. I am having a boy. I cry at night when I remember my situation and remember Seth. I love him but I knew, I know he never loved me. If he did m, he would not have gone back to Faye. It does hurt a lot. And now he's here. Is he here for business? Or is he here with Faye? He entered the coffee shop alone. He has lost weight. He has a day or a couple of days old beard. His eyes are shielded with a dark glasses and he looks older. He's still sexy though. I have to get going before he sees me. I need to call Mommy and let her know that he's here.


I saw her. I know she saw me. It took me all the will in the world to retrain my self from running to her and hug her. Later I'll let her talk to Mom first. I'm sure Mommy will lie to her about her knowing I'm here. When I confronted her yesterday about hiding Anna, she wanted to deny ubtil Dad interfered. He too did not know. He was so mad at Mom.

When I learned that Anna left me when I got back from talking to Faye, Mommy denied knowing about it. But she blamed me for treating Anna unfairly. She did not want to help when I asked her to interfere for me and please help me find Anna. She did not believe me when I told her that there is nothing going on with me and Faye.

"Mom, Anna left. Did she tell you she was leaving me?"

I was in panic. I did not know what to do then.

"What did you do? All I know is she saw you with Faye this morningn and you did not report for work and then you were late in coning home."

"Just because I went to ask her to leave Anna and me alone. I went to see her to make her stop pestering me. I did not go back to work because I had to rush her to the hospital because she dropped in pain so I had to drive her to the EE. She had an emergency appendectomy. I had to wait for her parents to arrive before leaving her."

"Knowing you Seth, you would lie for your women."

"Not this time Mom. I'm telling the truth. You can go and ask Faye."

"It's too late. Anna left.."

There were more fights over Anna that day and the following weeks. I left the house of my parents and went back to our condo. But that too reminded me of Anna too much. I tried to look for her. I checked with every departure. I had to pay someone to monitor departures from the airport and ports in case she left the country. For four months there was no news of her leaving. Every leads would stop at dead ends. I was going crazy. My father-in-law called me and asked to speak with Anna. I had to tell him that Anna ran away. He came to my office and almost hit me in the face. Good thing Dad was there. He threatened that he would file for kidnapping and murder... yes murder in case Anna will jot contact them in three weeks. I guess she did because they never called or visited me again.

Nights without her were spent at the office working or if I had to go home early, drinking and crying until I fall asleep.

Yesterday morning, my friend Zach called telling me he saw Anna here in Baguio. He gave me the address where he saw Anna staying. When he told me the name of a politician, I knew my Mom knows about it. I went to her office and confronted her. I cried. I told her to please tell me that she knew where Anna is. She tried to deny it but Sad was there. He told her to stop meddling with my affairs. She gave i . Ahe said that she just wanted to teach me a lesson. She said that women are not toys to play with. And she said that Inshould learn how to value my wife and my future son. I was shocked. I did not know that Anna was pregnant. I wanted to scream at my mom and blame her for taking away the six months of an expectant father moment that I could have enjoyed. But I knew she meant well. I told her that she better prepare Anna in case she called her.

And I know at this moment. They are probably talking now.

Author: please vote and comment. Why the hell is it easier to write in English than in Tagalog? Hahaha

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