Chapter 8: the village is attacked!

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after entering Kaede's house, I walk to the back of the room and place the clothes gently on the floor near the fire pit, then sit down.

the blanket I used the other night was bunched up behind me against the wall..

Kagome quietly sits beside me as Shippo hops in my lap and cuddles with me, I hug him tightly.

the warm heat from the fire was enough to put Shippo to sleep in my lap a few seconds later, my arms were comfortably wrapped around him as he leaned over my legs.

Kagome smiles and gazes over, "he really does love you." she says sweetly.

I look up at her, as he snores lightly.

I smile slightly, "I suppose so, I really love him too. I feel like I'm starting to remember a little of what it was like with him in my past life.." I assure deeply.

"that's good then, isn't it? I'm glad.." she says cheerfully.

I was silent and in thought a moment..

"Kagome, maybe you should go back through the well soon. you know, to check on Sota and the family. I'm sure they must be terribly worried." I say softly.

she remembers, "oh, you're right. I'll go as soon as Kaede gets back to let her know, I'll come right back." she assures.

I look up and happily grin..

After a few minutes of just silently sitting there, Inuyasha swings back the curtain and suddenly enters.

he notices us and stares, "humph. what are the three of you doing here?" he retorts with inverted eyebrows.

Kagome and I look up..

"Inuyasha?" I mutter in surprise.

"we're waiting for Kaede to get back, she went to buy some thread and-" is all I got out before he cut me off.

he folds his arms, "save it, I don't care." he points his nose in the air and closes his eyes rudely.

I lean forward in disbelief, "Inuyasha!" I raise my voice and furrowed my eyebrows.

"huh.." Shippo wakes up in confusion.

Inuyasha opens his eyes and peaks out over his shoulder..

Kaede returns at the right time holding a small basket in her left arm.

"what is going on here?" she asks in a kind gentle voice.

she peers at Inuyasha..

he simply turns his head and closes his eyes again..

suddenly a loud boom came from outside, followed by screaming villagers.

"what the hell was that!?" Inuyasha blurts out and becomes serious.

Kagome and I jumped..

Kaede was startled, the look of fear was on her face.

Kaede dropped her basket as the five of us ran outside after Inuyasha..

in the distance, not too far away.

the village was being attacked by an enormous purple worm Demon with red eyes and a mouth full of razor teeth..

it bit off a huge chunk of someone's house and threw it across the sky, it hit the ground close by and made a loud noise.

it pushed dirt and debris in the wind in our direction, causing us to shield ourselves with just our arms.

I close my eyes and gritted my teeth as I raised my arms over my face Shippo was on my shoulder trying to hold on for dear life as the forceful gust pushed him back.

when it was over, we compose ourselves and gaze back toward the Demon.

it bent its giant body over into the damaged house, pulling out an old village man.

he struggled and shouted as he laid between the Demons teeth..

"Inuyasha! do something!" Kagome shouted.

he stares at the Demon hatefully, then turns around, to gape at us watching horrifically.

"Saki! help me!" he demanded.

I look at him blankly, "okay!" I mustered up the courage and ran toward the Demon with him.

he jumps in the air, "blades of blood!" he shouts after cutting his abdomen with his claws.

he slashes at the Demons upper body near its head.. 

the Demon screeches and turns its body as the old man falls from its mouth..

I gasp and watch, then run to gain some speed and jump in the air to catch him.

I safely caught the old man in my arms, then forcefully met the ground with my feet after slowly floating in mid-air.

I put him on the ground, and as I laid him down I notice his leg was wounded.

I stare at it, it must have been cut by the Demon's teeth.

meanwhile, Inuyasha fought off the monster.

he grunted and growled as he continuously struck it with his claws..

"hey! I could use some help over here! ah!" he screams then dodges out of the way as its jaws chomped down trying to eat him.

I hear his call and exhale, then quickly look over at Kagome and Kaede.

"Kagome! come help this old man! I have to help Inuyasha!" I shout to her with my hand outstretched.

I runoff as they approach him frantically..

OC and Inuyasha's POV>

"come help me kill this thing!" he shouts again as he keeps dodging.

as I ran my eyebrows were furrowed fiercely, I make a strong jump.

my right arm was in a defensive position, and my fingers were locked in a claw-like gesture.

the black and dark purple aura returned, I let out a girlish roar as I slashed at the menacing creature.

"huh..." Inuyasha whispers as he viewed my attack in slow motion.

he was amazed at how powerful it was..

the Demon screamed in agony as the upper half of its body fell to the ground...

both Inuyasha and I watched as the flesh melted off of its bones, and large blackthorns fall away as the flesh dissipated.

I raise my hand to my face and watch the aura disappear in surprise..

"that was your attack, acid, and poison from blackthorns." Inuyasha calmly says as we stare at the skeleton of the slain Demon.

I look at him..

"I guess all it took was a bit of anger to release it.." he folded his left arm, smiled, and scratched his head with the other.

I flash a small grin and turn around as we floated in the air, we look at each other briefly after staring down at the others, then float down to join them.

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now