Chapter 12: Departure

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apart from Inuyasha and I being sour at each other... 

Kagome, Shippo, Lady Kaede, and the old man, had already settled down for bed.

while Inuyasha and I were still up.. 

we hardly spoke at all, simply just glancing over from minute to minute.

it's perfectly clear to me that Inuyasha hate's his older brother, but my suspicion of his likeness for me has gotten stronger.

if it's true, I don't know how to face it.

I like Inuyasha as but a friend, we work better that way.

besides, he completely hated me when we first met, so what made him like me now?

but there's something else on my mind, even deeper than that.

since I met Sesshomaru, I started to have this feeling, like we were meant to meet.

and, I believe, there's something between us.


hour's later, I finally got tired, and let myself curl up and lay down.

I don't know about Inuyasha however, I didn't bother to really look over.

I drifted off a few minutes later, and I slept peacefully.

meanwhile> POV change> (Inuyasha)

he was still awake, staring at the wall as the moonlight peeked through the cracks of the hut.

the strands of light brightened up his eyes and created a glare effect on them..

the wind blew outside, blowing cherry blossoms off of the branches.

they danced in the night sky..

the next morning>

I woke up to a sweet voice and a small hand on my nose...

"wake up Saki.." Shippo's child-like voice filled my ears, he giggled lightly.

I slowly open my eyes, "Shippo?" I mutter.

I sit up..

"what is it?" I ask in concern.

"Kagome wants to talk to you.." he points cheerfully.

I look up and across the room, she was staring at me.

her expression looked saddened..

I gazed at her for a minute as I rubbed the back of my head..

I pick Shippo up gently and sit him on the floor, then crawl over towards Kagome as he blankly stares at me.

I bend my knees and sit on them, placing my hands on my thighs.

I look at her, "Kagome? what's wrong?" I ask in concern.

she looks down, "I miss home..." she says.

my eyes widened, I remembered instantly what we were supposed to do.

"We were going to leave the next day until that monster attacked the village.." she says sadly.

"oh, I forgot," I reply.

there was a moment of silence..

"I can let the others know that we're leaving for a while, if you want to go now," I assure kindly.

she smiles lightly, "okay.." 

short skip>

"Lady Kaede?" I mutter quietly, I sat beside her as she slept and looked down.

she opens her eyes slowly, "yes child?" she mutters back kindly.

"I'm afraid, Kagome and I have to leave," I reply regretfully.

she sits up..

Inuyasha was lying down facing the wall, but his eyes were open and he was listening carefully.

I stare down at the floor..

"I understand.." she says.

"Will you be coming back?" she adds.

"yes, but I don't know when. our family should be very worried about us, so we'll most likely be there a while." I sincerely answer.

"very well then.." she accepts.

"you're leaving Saki?!" Shippo becomes scared.

I crawl over to him and touch his tiny shoulders.

"yes, but only for a little while Shippo. I'm not leaving you for good.." I assure in a sweet voice.

his big green eyes filled with tears as he stares up at me..

I stand up, "well, I guess we should go now Kagome." I gaze at her.

"right.." she mutters and rises.

she walks outside, as I look down at Inuyasha.

"bye, Inuyasha.." I say even though I thought he was asleep, then I turn and exit the hut.

he huffs lightly and rolls his eyes..

Time skip>

I and Kagome walked through the grass toward the forest.. 

I look back over my shoulder briefly, as the wind blew.

I hated to leave without making up, but. I also didn't want to bother him..

as soon as I gazed forward again, Inuyasha steps out of the hut. and watches us in the distance..

his long white hair swayed in the wind gracefully..

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now