Chapter 9: Koga appears

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Inuyasha and I run over toward them and kneel down beside the old man..

I stared down on him as dirt-covered part of my left cheek, and I suppose I had a small cut as well.. from the debris that flew our way earlier.

"That leg doesn't look so good.." Inuyasha mutters.

I was silent a moment, my eyebrows lower sadly in concern, and I slightly exhale.

"What should we do.." I say softly.

"don't ye worry, this can be fixed up simply," Kaede assures.

she pulls a small roll of cloth from her Kimono top, "fetch me some water Shippo.." she asks politely.

he quickly runs off and grabs a small bucket and took it to the streams nearby..

meanwhile, a few miles away.

a young man stops to sniff the air, he stands there a second, then starts running again.

in the tall grass, at knee level, two brown wolves ran after him, and two more young men followed.

a few minutes later, Shippo's POV>

he fills the bucket, and grunts as he lifts it out of the stream.

he turns and starts walking back as water from his swift and wobbly movements splashed onto the ground..

"I got it!" he exclaims strongly and runs over.

he sits the bucket beside Lady Kaede and stands in place.

"very good, thank you, Shippo. now, let's get you fixed up," she says sweetly to the old man.

she dips a piece of cloth in the water and slightly wrings it out, then brings it over his wound and pats it gently.

I felt a bit relieved that everything was going to be alright..

"bless you Lady Kaede.." the old man praises her kindly.

I look down on them cheerfully..

twenty minutes later>

after Kaede cleaned his wound thoroughly, she was now bandaging it.

suddenly three young men and a couple of wolves showed up out of the dust that was still yet to settle..

"what the hell is this?" the oldest blurts out in displeasure.

Inuyasha jumps up in a fighting position and burrows his eyebrows, as the rest of us gaze over in surprise.

"huh?" the stranger mumbles as he peers over to see the skeleton of a fallen Demon.

"That was my Demon!" he shouts angrily.

"not anymore pal, it's dead." Inuyasha roars.

the guy looks over at him, "who the hell are you people?"

"wait, there are Demons here. three of them, and, three humans," he adds in a quiet mutter.

his eyes pop out after he sees Kagome and me..

he becomes completely love-possessed and acted macho.

his arm was over his chest, and his fist was under his chin.

he closed his eyes and let his head hang down with a grin on his face, one eyebrow was raised.

he weirdly lost all of his previous anger..

Inuyasha became confused and stared at him.

"ladies!" he exclaims calmly and approached with outstretched arms.

Kagome and I peer at each other in a surprising odd expression, our eyes were slightly widened.

"what?" Inuyasha mutters, he turns and glances as he passes by.

the young stranger squats beside me and strokes my hair, his eyes were closed and there was a weird smile on his face.

"hey!" Inuyasha growls and tenses up.

I felt slightly uncomfortable..

"who the hell are you anyway?" Inuyasha retorts boldly.

"Koga's the name, mutt face." he retorts back.

"mutt face?! why you!" Inuyasha clenches his fingers tight and lifts his right hand hinting to strike at him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, I'd beat you in less than two minutes.." Koga retorts confidently.

"oh really?! huh? well, let's see then!" Inuyasha scolded.

"enough nonsense!" Kaede raises her voice.

everyone looks at her..

"young man, whatever your business was with that foul creature, is over. as Inuyasha said, it is dead now. I assume you wanted it dead, for some reason. and now it is, there is no need for your rude comments or challenges." she explains.

he stands up, "if you want me to leave, fine. but at least tell me who killed it.." he demands.

there was a moment of silence..

"Saki did.." Shippo points to me.

Koga peers down on me in surprise, while I simply stare up at him.

he chuckles, "well, I was expecting to hear that mutt face slew him. looks like she's more of a warrior than you are.." he scratches his head.

he turns toward Inuyasha..

"uh? what was your name again?" he mocked.

"Inuyasha.." he replies in displeasure.

"Right!" he snaps.

"well, I guess I'll be seeing you around." he runs off with his allies, baring a smug manly look on his face.

we watch blankly, I believe the thought of "who was that guy" ran through all of our heads.

"That was weird.." Shippo mutters funnily.

"you're right.." I agree.

"Inuyasha?" I call.

"why were you so upset that he touched me?" I ask in confusion.

"you acted that way before when Sesshomaru did, is there something you're hiding?" I add.

he huffed, folding his arms into his sleeves.

"it's nothing.." he retorted strongly.

I smile as I peer at him..

"I suppose we should take this poor man somewhere to stay, he can stay with us," Kaede assures.

"I guess we better get started on repairing his house.." I stand up and face Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha? it's you and me on this one. I think Shippo and Kagome can help Lady Kaede take care of him.." I inform him.

"I see fit if we killed him, we should clean up after him," I add.

he turns around, "it's not our fault he destroyed his house, why should we go through all the trouble rebuilding it?" he scorns me.

"Inuyasha! that's not polite.." I point at him.

"we may have not destroyed it while fighting the Demon, but he's injured. he can't do it himself.." I add. 

he huffed and closes his eyes as he sticks his nose up..

I furrow my eyebrows and close my eyes as well, "Inuyasha, we're doing it. if you don't help me, I'll for sure pull your ears off." I funnily threaten.

"huh?!" he quickly opens his eyes.

he looks at me.. 

"fine.." he agrees angrily.

as he walks off toward the house, "you and your sister sure have the same qualities.." he retorts truthfully.

I smile and look back at the others, my expression was bright.

I stick my arm up and wave, "be back later!" I slightly shout, then run off to catch up with him.

Kagome and Shippo giggle, as Kaede looked at them.

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now