Chapter 14: A happy family again

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My dream felt so emotional, and I couldn't wait to get back to them.

but at the same time, I really did miss my family.

the next morning, I woke up in my bed, I actually got some sleep and felt great.

I was confused for fa second because I woke up at the end of my bed with a book in my face..

"Oh, I forgot.." I thought to myself.

"I fell asleep while reading.."

when I pick my head up, "ew ugh.." I grumbled.

I drooled a little all over one of the pages..

I immediately got up and took the book to the bathroom with me to get something to clean it off with..

I stand in front of the mirror and gently rub off the saliva with a hand towel..

"Ugh, I can't believe I did that. this was one of my favorite books.." I cursed myself.

"Oh well, I suppose it isn't that bad.." I say immediately after.

I sigh and replace it on my bookshelf, then walk out of my room.

I had a look around but nobody was around and it was pretty silent, I checked every room that nobody slept in.

and decided I was going to cook breakfast for everyone, it was the least I could do for my mom letting me move back in.

with all that's been going on, I haven't had the chance to repay them.

I stood behind the stove moving a smoking skillet back and forth, with a dishtowel over my shoulder.

It was rather quiet..

meanwhile, Sota popped out of his room.

He sniffs Strongly with narrowed eyes, then swiftly darts from side to side toward the kitchen.

"I smell- food." He grabs the counter side and slowly brings his head up.

I widened my eyes in shock, "Sota?" I stare down at him.

he moans and his stomach grumbles..

"I'm so glad someone is cooking this morning..." He states in relief.

"where's mom?" I ask in confusion.

"she had to leave really early to do some errands and go to a doctor's appointment.."

"she told us last night remember?" he says.

I touch my head, "oh, I guess I was really tired." I reply.

"It's okay, at least you have a little brother to remind you of things you forget.." he assures while walking to the table.

"You're right Sota.." I smile and giggle with the spatula in the air, then turn around at the pan again.

Kagome's POV>

she steps out of her bedroom while rubbing her eye, and yawns quietly as she walks down the hallway toward the kitchen.

in the middle of her yawn, she says "oh, I feel great.." then smiles largely.

"Hey guys.." she greets as she enters.

POV end.)

I perk up, "oh, good morning Kagome." I grin and reply.

"I'm trying as fast as I can to make your breakfast, so you can get off to school the both of you.." I assure.

"Thanks, but you don't have to rush yourself Saki, we'll make it on time.." she replies as she sits at the table.

I turned the stove off, "the eggs and bacon are done!" I exclaimed.

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now