Chapter 7

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It sounded like someone dropped a teacup.

And another.

And another.

One by one there were small 'tink' sounds getting closer and closer. Everyone expectantly looked to me as the class representative but I knew that they all wanted to see what was happening themselves. I walked over, leaning my head out of the doorway to see. All the classes were looking as one by one, down the hall the lights were smashing. I drew a breath at the sight, thinking about costs before running to the window and looking out.

Abnormally dark grey clouds were rolling in fast; it was like something from a horror movie. I had wondered about costs but one thing I didn't consider was what would be causing those bulbs to smash one by one, conveniently down the hall. They were still going in the background and I knew I had to feed the class an excuse as to what was happening. Truth is, even I wasn't sure but I had to act like I knew.
"It's just the storm messing with the electricity." Was the only logical excuse I could give but even so, they ignored it and began making their own explanations. Most consisting of Emily. By now, the clouds had already reached directly above the school and I was expecting them to continue going - to pass over - but no. Instead, they stayed which was strangely unnatural.

The mumbles of the class quickly became panicked buzzing as they all blabbered excuses, trying to leave.
"Everyone!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, surprising the students but gaining their attention nonetheless. "Calm down. No one is leaving." It's dangerous outside. Already, the pounding of hail and rain against the window drains out most of our voices so we have to shout to be heard. It was at this moment Mr. Sang came in.
"You're right, Bella. No one is leaving." I was hoping he would offer us an explanation and he was going to but he checked the windows first. Something was off about him; all of us thought so but none of the students could put a finger on what it was. "The reason being two students have already left." Everyone exchanged glances with a 'so what' look but Mr. Sang wasn't finished.

He was far from finished.

"They haven't come back. We sent two teachers to go after them just moments after the students left but the teachers got lost in the fog and haven't returned yet either. No one leaves until it's safe." Hearing that from our teacher sent chills down our spines. When would safe be? We could be in here for days.

With the storm right above us and the lights all smashed, it was close to being pitch black in there. Mr. Sang stood, wiping sweat from his forehead and leaving the class, leaving me in charge. That made Faye laugh which then started a chain reaction with the others. Amongst her giggles, Faye said "go on great leader. What do you suggest we do? All become best friends with the storm? It will be easier than being friends with Emily!" This made everyone laugh again but something was off. Even when everyone had stopped laughing, Faye continued. Her eyes had gone completely white and there were no signs of any pupils or irises.

They all began to panic despite my strong attempts to calm them down but they just got worse with her. Froth fell from her mouth to the floor, people were claiming the door was locked and the lightning felt endless. We were locked in the class and it was hopeless. It was chaos.

The lightning stopped so suddenly.

Faye had stopped; she was back to normal.

She barely had any energy though so Georgia and Adam had to help her to her knees.
"Everyone listen." I screamed, gathering everyone together and standing on the teacher's desk to finally obtain dominance. "Get into groups and use your phones. Only use one phone at a time so that if that one runs out, you still have others. Do not, whatever you do, separate from your groups." They immediately obeyed partly out of fear. I joined the quiet group and we all got ready to investigate the school but before we could, one of the girls in my group spoke up.
"Uh...rep?" Her arm raised, her finger pointed at the blackboard and when I turned around, my heart sunk like a stone and my knees became weak. Written, in chalk were the most horrifying words I'd ever read.

Faye was just a warning.
Watch your backs.
I'm back and I'm here for one thing
And one thing only.

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