Chapter 9

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Fortunately, we arrived at the hall to the infirmary unscathed. But there are sounds emitting from the end of the hall. Our destination is only a couple of meters away but those noises are something to stay aware of nonetheless.
"Cass let's be careful. She is going to despise this hall the most." This hall is the very hall she discovered her boyfriend kissing another woman. After this, I plan to get off this floor and go up to the third floor where it's bound to be safer but for now, both mine and Cass' life is on the line.

Just like the day it happened, the temperature of the hall dropped at an alarming rate. Both me and my ally could see our breaths when still, it's mid August. Cassidy started complaining about feeling nauseous but meanwhile, I was concerned with who was breathing heavily in front of us. It's not just the fact I could hear it, I could see the mist spilling and dissolving into nothingness in a respirating manner.

Emily was here...with us right now.

In Cass' condition, we could not run or even run to hide. Even I was struggling to find a solution to this problem yet, no one could've studied for an encounter such as that. Our only real chance of being let go with our lives and without being maimed like Cass was to just plead and plead until she found it in that empathetic heart of hers to spare us.
"Please, Emily. You were my friend! That night by the river when you were throwing those rocks I listened! I didn't know what to say! I'm sorry!" Cassidy was clueless but she listened contently while the angry spirit just meters away walked forward a step.

Her face was hidden behind a thick layer of that familiar short black hair. However, I didn't want to see the face behind it.
"Never forgive." Her words echoed abnormally, her head tilted unnaturally. It was nothing short of horrific.
"Never forgive....never forgive..." She was repeating it like a chant until it was drilled into my head, psychologically torturing me until I had let go of Cassidy, fall to my knees and scream for her to stop.

Unexpectedly, she did. She looked up to the corner of the hall and back to me. Her spirit disappeared as if the wind had just carried away some dirt but I was relieved she had gone no matter what. Cass asked me if I was okay to go but I answered that by looping her arm around me and going the small distance to the infirmary that we had.

I made sure she was comfortable, which seemed an impossibility, before raising the cupboards.
"It's no use," I sighed, slamming one shut. "It's clear Faye has been here. That means she's injured." All the supplies had been taken so my only option then was to go upstairs anyway to retrieve some from the upper infirmaries. Taking Cassidy with me would've been a suicide mission. She seemed unnerved by the idea of being here alone so I snatched the key and decided to lock the door when I left.

It made her feel better but I knew as I was speed-walking through this damned school that since it's an unknown abomination we were dealing with, it was impossible to tell if it had the ability to phase through obstacles.

The second floor was just as desolated as the first. Shivers slipped down my spine but I continued on anyway, doing what I could for Cass since I never did for Emily.

I regretted that.

My walk turned into a run at this point, all this fear and having to be on edge was becoming unbearable and I couldn't stand staying in this school any longer but it was inevitable we would be here for a while. I supposed Emily had done something to prevent us leaving. I pondered about what would happen if we tried but didn't think about it too hard because my current goal was right in front of me now.

I slid open the door in a panic. Something about this place seemed to really remind me of her but I'm sure that we only ever used the first floor infirmary. There was no reason for this place to remind me.

In a hurry, I grabbed everything I could without even looking and began to leave but just as I got to the door, I froze.
"Such a pretty face...maybe we should cut that uniform of yours. Just for fun..." I turned, thinking that this was it for me only to find Emily leaning over a bed, her hands clasped to a pair of bloody scissors. I watched her raise them, a psychotic grin on her dead face.
"Emily no!" I screamed, making her stop and turn.

Only her face had faced me but it was all I needed to make me shake with fear. As it turned out, the person on the bed sat up, which made me realise Emily was meddling with and about to kill Faye.

I just saved her life.

"You would save her but not me?" Emily whispered, soft sobs in between each word. I staggered back, dropping my supplies and hitting my back against a table. Emily's hair begins to go wild, her eyes are glowing red and her clasp on the scissors had tightened.
"Save your best friend's bully but not your best friend?" She screeched, running at me faster than what seemed like a bullet. Bracing for impact, I closed my eyes but the pain never came. I fluttered them open but Emily was right in front of my face, causing me to whimper and murmur apologies.
"I am going to kill all of you. When I do, you can apologise in hell where I will kill you again and again."

She faded away with a sinister giggle, leaving me gasping for air and Faye staring in horror. She scrambled out of the bed and jogged over to me, helping me re-gather my supplies.
"Where have you been? Everyone has been looking for you, you know." I said as she handed me my supplies. She shrugged and scratched the back of her head thoughtfully.
"I needed to sleep. It was all becoming too much. Who are these supplies for?" I updated her about everything when she asked. The fact seven people had supposedly been killed and our plan was to head to the security room to observe what was going on through the CCTV. Luckily, she agreed to return to the infirmary after I told her about the condition of Cassidy.

It was horrifying when we arrived.

No sign of Cassidy but in her place was a puddle of crimson blood. Beads of read dripped from the metal frame and above the bed, written in the very liquid was just the word: 'Sorry'.

Both Faye and I threw the supplies on the floor and sprinted for our homeroom with the hope everyone else had made it back okay or at least with their lives. We slid the door to the side, panting and looking around at the pale, fearful faces of our classmates.

I had the job of explaining the graphic picture of what we found in Cassidy's place when we returned to the infirmary.

Molly threw her arms around Faye in a weeping mess but Faye shoved her off.

We weren't ready for this.

None of us knew how to fight her and none of us knew how many would end up walking out of there.

Or if anyone actually would.

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