Chapter 12

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Going out to meet my dead best friend gave me the strangest feeling ever. It was a feeling no one could possibly describe or name since it was a feeling rarely felt. However, I don't think Emily could see me as her best friend anymore.

Whispering 'it's just a dream' was the only thing that was able to guide me through the hallway without fearing the dead coming back to life as I walked. Even worse, I didn't even want to think about what liquid was currently soaking my school shoes. It felt like with every step, my heart got faster and my breath more rapid. Fear was slowly turning me insane.

I arrived at the requested spot only to find it deprived of any life (or death). Scanning the area, I came to the conclusion it was a trap and either I, or the preps I left alone, were in trouble.

But it didn't take long for my question to be answered.

First was the petrifying giggles and then was the whisper.
"Oh Bella, you're so kind to come." That was the final call for me to sprint for my life. My feet struggled to keep up with me but my drive was the fear that she would kill me. She was going to. That was her one intention. Why, I wondered. Why was she doing this? To get back at us? She was sinking to our level which was exactly what I thought she wouldn't want. Apparently, I didn't know her well enough.

I slipped but I managed to continue at my maximum speed until I had reached a place where I had a chance to survive. A quick glance behind me confirmed the fact she was behind me but it was enough to dart in the classroom and get the teacher's locker.

Waiting was the equivalent to torture. Thoughts of that being a bad idea began to tug at me. What was I doing? This would be the first place she'd check. It was when the door ever so slowly slid open that I held my breath and had to go along with it.

It was too late to change now.

If she found me, I was dead.

'It's just a dream' I kept repeating to myself, which only fuelled the inner nagging that was telling me I was lying to myself.
"Come on, Bella. If you were truly my best friend you would come out and talk. I needed you, Bella. Now is your chance to make amends." This time I wasn't lying to myself when I said 'it's a trap, don't do it'. I could see through the slits of the locker she was searching and it was only a matter of time until she looked here and only a matter of time until I was going to die. Honestly, I was expecting my life to flash before my eyes as if I was watching a slideshow of every photo my parents ever took of me but I was still watching my predator search for me.

My watch beeped.

Her head snapped round one-eighty degrees to see the locker.

I was found.

This moment was when the pictures and videos of my life started flashing in. Every moment I could ever remember crammed into one second. The door to the locker didn't even open, it was broken off violently and upon seeing me, Emily snatched me by my neck and threw me across the room.

I scrambled to my feet to run but she was already in front of me. She took both my wrists and squeezed them to the point I thought they'd pop from their sockets. My teeth were gritted and my eyes were closed.
"Oh what? Does it hurt? Should I just sit there and watch? Does that make you feel better? It didn't for me." She noticeably tightened her grip, her psychotic grin getting wider and that's when I heard one click, felt one click, and had the sharpest pain I'd ever experienced run through just one of my arms.

She had broken my wrist.

All the way from the security office the preps probably heard my scream of pain as she let go, watching me slump to the floor in a crying mess just as I once did to her. It was times like that I could understand why she would do this. All the times someone would inflict pain upon her and just watch as she cried out for help.
"That night....a-at the river...what d-did you mouth to me?" I said through sobs and pants. My nose was running, my eyes swollen and red and my forehead exuded sweat: I was a mess.
"I said: See you in hell."

That was when I blacked out.

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