Chapter 10

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The death count had gone from nine to ten in an hour. The preps were grateful I had found Faye but what they didn't know was I wasn't trying. Even I am glad I found her for the simple fact she would be dead by now if I hadn't.

We were all gathered together: the remaining survivors as far as we knew. No one knew what to say there, so the room was deadly silent. In the classroom directly above us, something dropped. It was light and it seemed to roll but none of us had a clue as to what it could've been.
"She's up there." Someone said. I couldn't match the voice to the face but they had a point either way. Someone harshly hushed them and before we all knew it, we were back in silence, listening for another sound.  Words couldn't even begin to describe the strength of the fear we were all feeling together. Despite everyone's shaken breaths, there were no other sounds anymore. It felt safe to talk again.
"Well, what's our plan now?" Adam enquired. All looked to me expectantly just like they had when they all felt hopeless. Frankly, we are hopeless now.

I curled my hand into a tight fist. My knuckles began to turn white.
"We have to get to the security room to discover what happened to Cassidy and then we try the phone in there. If it works, we will call for help and wait. If it doesn't, we'll have to send people up to the rooftop to fix the satellite. Is everyone okay with this?" I could tell as I was saying that they didn't seem to confident about leaving the room but staying altogether in a place like this is basically screaming to be killed especially when we knew Emily's position and it was just above us. Since then, though, she definitely would've moved.
"Is it safe to leave?" Matthew then questioned. Rain was still non-stop pounding at the window, seemingly never ending.
"It's safer to leave than to stay, to be honest. It's only a matter of time until she figures out we're here if she hasn't already. This is also her homeroom, after all." Everyone nodded in agreement at my comment and we began to prepare ourselves to leave.

There was no telling what was waiting for us when we left.

There was no telling what would happen to us either.

We all knew not everyone here was going to make it but it was a risk we all had to take without question.

The hallway had warmed back to its average temperature which gave us a little ray of hope. We still had two corners to turn and two hallways to go down before we would reach our destination. Faye was clinging onto Matthew and you could tell he wasn't so pleased about it.
"Would you please get off?" He coldly whispered, not even caring for the petrified girl's feelings. That comment hurt her more than it should have and you could really notice it in her eyes.

She made the mistake of running away.

As much as Molly, Georgia and everyone else wanted to, we couldn't shout out. Our position would've been given away to Emily and we would've been killed all because Faye didn't want us to lay our eyes upon her running makeup when she cried.

What a selfish act of foolishness.

The ones that considered themselves Faye's friends insisted we turned back and followed her but I refused to die because of her thirst for attention. Needless to say, they hesitantly felt the same.

Our plan was to ensure her location once we'd reached the security room and send a pair out to retrieve her. Of course, we had to reach the room first. We turned the last corner only to stop and let out silent gasps of horrors.

The corridor we needed to pass was flooded with corpses.

"We'll be fine just as long as they don't come back and bring us down." I added the unnecessary last part for precaution, just so they knew there was a slim possibility that something along those lines could have happened. After all, if the girl that committed suicide could come back to kill us all of one by one, these corpses had every right to help.

We had to weave in and out of all the outstretched arms and crossed over legs but the door was just moments away. We had all made it safely so far. I reached out as far as I possibly could and grasped a firm hold on the handle to the room and swung the door open with all the energy I could gather. Once I had the chance, I nimbly hopped into the room and waited for the others, who weren't too far behind.

The light was working but we refused to turn it on for our own survival. We all felt like prey: constantly being watched by something that wanted you dead for no other reason other than to feed off of you. Emily was feeding off our fears. One problem we had encountered was none of us were truly sure of how to use the technology correctly but while we were all messing about and trying, there were three sharp knocks at the door.

We all froze.

No one moved a muscle.

We waited and there were another three. I wasn't sure if it was going to go away any time soon. It may have been waiting for us. Was it a corpse? Was it Emily? We were going to have to answer at some point. Matt was nearest, so he opened the door just a crack, only to raise his eyebrows and open it fully.

It wasn't anything unnatural or paranormal.

In fact, it was another survivor. It was someone we hadn't come across yet. Someone from another class.

"Who are you?" Matt asked, letting the traumatised boy in. His eyes could tell us everything they'd seen and the fact there was blood on his uniform made it clear that he indeed had been visited by Emily. What would she do with him? No one recognised him so what could he have done to Emily?
"I'm Cameron. I...uh...I noticed you all come in here from where me and my friends are hiding. I was wondering if you...needed help?" We were all rejoicing inside.

We weren't the only ones.

There were others.

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