the escape and rescue plan chapter 3

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Last time on the power of elements

Naruto has finally met the kyuubi and became friends with him and was starting to get ready to escape while a group of four have came up with a plan to rescue him but will they succead find out now.

(time midnight)

(okay time to make my escape make sure i got everything) Naruto thought as he made sure he got enough supplies to make it through for a couple of weeks while on the road.

when he made sure that he got everything he grabbed his backpack and slipped it on and made his way over to his bed and grabbed the end of one of the side and pulled it away from the wall revealing a hatch underneath.

(well this is it no going back) he thoughtas he pulled open the secret hatch and jumped down the hole and landed in the kitchen and made his way towards the door towards the dining the but before he opened it he heard loud noises coming from  the other side so being careful he opened the door a bit to see on the other side and saw lots of people talking, laughing, drinking and eating.

(crud this wasn't part of the plan) he thought you see the original plan was for the villagers to be partying in the main entrance and living room but it seems he has to improvise.

Naruto slowly but carfully slipped through the door and quickly went under the table and waited for an opening to get through. (what am i going to do there's no where to go) Naruto thought as he saw zero openings (when i say go go) a strange voice said in his head (wha no time run straight forward towards the opened door NOW) the voiced screamed and not wanting to have a argument with a voice he listened and ran straight through the door and in the main entrance whitch was as big as a ball room and had no places for him to hide near.

before people noticed him he felt something strange going on inside of him and the next second he found himself behind the front door.(what the. how did i get here) he thought (that would be mine doing kit) the strange voice from the dining room said "who. who are you" he asked quietely not wanting to be found (kit i'm hurt we just spoke a while ago) the voice spoke "wait..kyuubi" Naruto said shocked (yes kit and you don't need to speak just think on what you want to sa and i will hear you but before you start to question on how you can hear me you must first escape remember) the kyuubi spoke as Naruto was still in shocked but still listened to what he said.

he slowly started to creep around the door but stopped when he heard the voice he hoped to avoid during his escape "EVERYONE I HAVE AN ANNOUCEMENT TO MAKE" Minato yelled over the crowd.

after everyone paid attention he started his speech "today as you know is my children Menma and Mai sixth birthday party which is also the day where they kept us safe from the kyuubi six years ago who attacked us on a rampage but aside from that i Minato Namikaze elect Menma the heir of the Namikaze and Mai the heir to the uzumaki clan from this day and also annouce that my children are also the children of the prophecy and shall bring peace over the world " and after he said that everyone started to cheer and applaud to the two children who shall save them but not everyone was happy.

near the corner of the room we see both tsunade and jiraiya staring angrily at Minato and Kushina who walked up to her husband whith their children to get into a group hug but once again forgetting Naruto. both of them were angry and Minato and Kushina for always ignoring Naruto just becuase they think that their other two children were the children from kami himself just because they hold the kyuubi chakra and that Naruto only hold the soul.

they both felt guilty for not being able to be their for Naruto but out of both of them Jiraiya felt the most guilty for ever telling Minato about the prophecy.

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