The truth shows

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last time

i didn't know what to say as tears came down at a rappid paste as i stared at the people in front of me " would you really be my family"i said chocking on each word as more and more tears kept coming down "yes we would be your new family Naruto that is you let us" Alfie said with kindness and i din't know what to do except leap at him and hug him as i felt him wrap his arms round me as i cried into his shoulder "shhhhh shhhh let it out Naruto let it out" as he slowly picked me up and walked out of the room with the others close behind taking me to some place i knew not of but i knew one thing in my heart

(i have a family)

and with that i passed out from crying to much.

in the Namikaze compound

a single picture of Naruto with his family cracked drastically over Naruto as to show the future of the Namikaze family but only time will tell.

present time konoha

a week has past since Menma and Mai birthday party the day where they were named the heir to their respected clans the day where all were happy the day Naruto was kidnapped.

things for both Minato and Kushina were going bad not only did they lose their son but they also lost respect from both tsunade and Jiraiya and some shinobi's and civilians but that was worse to come of what they found out.

3 days since Naruto kidnapping

right now we see both Minato and Kushina liying in respectful hospital bed  both still unconciouse from the beating they recieved from the mysterious strangers and both felt weak but as a nurse came in for there daily checkups both of them shock awake scanning the room trying to find something or someone so the nurse called for help as more doctors and nurses came in to restrain both of them from reopening stitches and after calming them down Minato asked a question on his mind.

"whe *cough* wher are *cough* we" Minato asked while trying to catch his breath "your in the hospital Hokage-sama your just woke up from chakra exauhstion same to you Kushina-sama please just rest" the doctor said.

"my.. my children are *cough cough cough* they alright" Kushina tried to rasp out " yes both Menma and Mai are just find aside from some bruising they're okay" said one of the nurses witch lead both MInato and Kushina in relief and asked if someone could go get them witch they aloud and sent one of the staff to the academy to get both of their children witch left them with a small smile appear as the doctors went through some risk that could happen if they push them selves and 10 minutes later both of their children crash through the door and hugged both of their parents.

"tou-san kaa-san your both alright" cried Mai as she hugged Kushina "yea we though you were both gone"cried Menma witch left both parents heart brocken as they worried their children and slowly comforted them.

Minato pov:

"what about Naruto" said a mysterious voice as they turned and saw Jiraiya sitting on the window seal looking out into the village "what do you mean sensai" i asked  confused on why he was concerned about Naruto i mean isn't he safe at the compound.

"are you both truly that thick minded that you don't remember what happen to him" Jiraiya said with anger slowly lacing on to each word "what are you talking about he's ast home grounded for hurting his siblings which remind me if he's not there i'm going hit him twice as hard" Kushina said with anger at the thought of Naruto ignoring them " ARE YOU BOTH THAT THICK THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AT ALL" Jiraiya yelled with killer intent slowly filling the room.

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