answers and explanations

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hello everyone it's flames71705 and before you quit off this please allow me to explain why the story is as it is.

first is my punctuation and spelling and why it is bad and it's not that i don't notice it it's because i type very fast on my key board the computer doesn't register most words or it sometimes types in a different letter and i know some of you make think i'm lying to make an excuse but i'm actually telling the truth to you all.

the second reason is why kurama is female: i know a lot of people who have read my story are confused on why the kyuubi is female and the reason is i'm planning to have her become either a new mother figure after Niamh or get her to become his lover but i'm still in the progress of it. now some of you may hate it and i don't hold any grudge if you do but you but this is the way the story would be planned out.

updates: now i know a lot of you are enjoying my story and it make me happy that so many people enjoy reading it and to be honest i didn't think i would still be typing this story but anyway the reason why there is no new chapters this week is because I've been spending time with my family during Christmas which took time away from writing new chapter but don't think this is the end of this story because i'm planning to post a new chapter next Monday or Tuesday so look forward to that 

anyway thank you if you read this and heard me out and be sure to look out for future chapters and see you later


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