[Chapter 6] Basement

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The girl continued her path down the winding stairs. Shrieking underneath for weight, The unstable stairs bent underneath her weight making the feeling of uneasiness grow inside of her. The pit in her throat tumbled and turned all the way down stomach when the tip of her foot touches the cold cement floor of the basement. With her skin crawling, The girl tried to contain all her fear as you placed your other foot down onto the concrete.

she began to walk around the basement, Looking for a light source or anything to Shield herself from the consuming Darkness that surrounded her. There is none besides the deafening silence. It hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters on the ground. The only thing that manages to break the silence was the occasional shaky breathing of the girl.

Placing her hand on the Rustic walls in the basement, the girl that is close to the walls as she continued to walk, hoping that she would bump into a Shelf or something that would contain items. Her blood-soaked nails trailed against the wall, leave it a quiet scratching sounds echo in the silence. As she continued through the basement, an uneasy feeling started to grow inside of her like a sprout growing into a tree.

"Where did all of the shelves go?" She barely managed to utter, Before she felt a drop of liquid land on the tip of her nose. Hesitantly, the girl raised her head towards the ceiling deceive where the liquid came from. "Oh my god," She uttered, trying to step back, "What the fuck is happening!"

Rose color drops of blood rain down from the ceiling as if they rained. Each drop buried in size, but they all still had one thing in common and that was that they were made of blood. the teenager cups her mouth with her hand while stumbling backward. Her pupils dilated at the front of her and her hands trembled underneath side of blood.

Her mind ran circles around her head like a marathon as she tried to make sense of the situation. No matter what explanation popped into her head, she wasn't able to think of a logical reason. With her head skimming the area, she tried to look for another path besides running through the blood rain. No matter where her eyes looked, the only thing she was able to see the inky Darkness.

Her breath hitched in her throat and she realized the only thing she could do was run through the blood. taking a deep breath, she pushed your heel against the floor as you ran through the rain; closing her eyes and mouth to make sure none of it thought into her body. Her face transforms into a disgusted expression as she felt drops liquid hit her body and trailed on her sides.

Once she felt the rain has stopped, her eyes fluttered open tiredly and she looked down at her body. She looked as if she killed someone, Crimson blood was crudely painted over her body as if a child was the one that paints it. she wiped is the red liquid off of her hands and onto her clothing, trying her best to make herself look somewhat clean. Once her hands were somewhat clean, she placed one of them back onto the wall and continued her journey down the hall.

As seconds become minutes and minutes became hours, the girl's body was slowly giving up on her. Her legs were sore from walking and running and her eyes were drugs with sleep. Her body was consumed with a sore pain, making every step she took agony.

Before the last bit of hope, I just did her body, A burning piece of light shines in the distance, erasing the darkness around it. Without a bit of hesitation, the girl broke out into a Sprint and ran towards the light. At this point, she didn't care what type of light it was; It didn't matter if it was the light of heaven or if it was the light of an escape, all she knew was that she needed to get there. She took another step, her balance was lost and her face slammed into the floor causing blood fall out of her nose like candy out of the pinata. Quickly, she glanced over her shoulder and her eyes widen with fear when she saw a hand coil around her leg.  

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