[Chapter 13] Ghostly Reassurance

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Her sobs echoed through the two-story home as her heartbeat increased every step she took. frantically, she looked through every nook and cranny of the house, in an attempt to find her missing friend. " God damn it, where can he be!?" she cried in a horse to voice as he pushed open the kitchen door.

with her bloody hands, she ripped apart every hiding space that he could be; in an attempt to find him. She didn't want to leave him for dead, he helped her so much and she was going to return the favor. Quickly, she swung a kitchen cabinet open and her eyes lit glittered with hope for a minute.

Even though her friend wasn't inside the cabinet, there was something useful in there. Reaching her hand inside, Her fingertips slit around the handle of the oversized kitchen knife at you would find in your basic slasher horror film. After retrieving a weapon to defend herself, she quickly stood up it's sprinted over to the next room; not bothering to waste time close the cabinets and Doors behind her.

After every spot on the first floor was gone, she turned her body a full 80° and quickly ran up the carpeted stairs of the Suburban home. Her footsteps were loud and loud Causing a vibration to spread through the whole house like a shiver running down someone's spine.

The house creaks in an unnatural way when the soles of her feet tapped against the Upper Floor of the house. With her eyes skimming the whole area, she noticed that the door to her friend's bedroom was slightly open. "Maybe he's in there, after all the doors open," She thought to herself out loud as she made her way towards the door. Her hand shaking, she grabbed the doorknob and twisted it to the side and hold the door open before releasing a ghostly scream. The weight of the world pressed upon her shoulders as she fell to her knees and broken down into an even more aggressive cry.

His face was hardly recognizable, the only way she was able to tell that it was her former best friend was based on the clothing that he was wearing. The corpse was wearing the same bluish-gray coat along with a red shirt with a big black dripping pattern on it. His face was completely bashed in and reduced to nothing but splatters of red disgusting liquid. His left arm was contorted in an unnatural way to the point where you could see the bone sticking out of his blood-covered skin. Blood leaks out of the multiple wounds and painted his body disgustingly horrific way.

Her hands covered her face, as the girl looked away from the bloody scene in front of her. Trails of Tears along with blood dripped down from her face and onto the floor below her. In a half-choked sob, (__) said, "I-It's my fault...it's all m-m-my fault...If I n-never came here...you wouldn't have these dead."

In her mind, she repeated apologizes to her dead friend who was lying right in front of her. As her crying became more frequent, a voice in the back of her mind called out for her. She didn't recognize it at first, but as the voice got louder it was undeniable not recognize it. "It's fine" (M/BFF) voice ghostly called from Beyond the Grave, "You just need to survive, you need to live"

Even though it probably was just her imagination, Those were the words she needed to kick herself back into hard drive mode and Escape. Quickly, she jumps off of a floor and proceeded to try to run is a front door. But when she made it outside of the room her eyes widen with fear as she saw the silhouette of her Tormentor at the end of the staircase. 

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