Chapter 26 - Liam - Kaelin's Secret

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Liam was still reeling from hearing that Kaelin had a run-in with the very merman that was after her. She waited until they were back at the house, alone, to tell him about it. It was a good idea, on her part, considering that he yelled a few obscenities after finding out.

"Every time I leave you alone for even a second something terrible happens." he yelled, jumping up out of his chair to stalk the living room.

He wasn't upset at her. He was just angry about the whole situation. It was a lot to deal with for someone who had actively avoided responsibility for most of his life.

Kaelin rolled her eyes, like any normal teenage girl annoyed with her boyfriend for being too overprotective. It was cute. He almost forgot about his anger, until he noticed the red marks on her arm. He placed his fingers over the lines, coming to the realization that someone forcefully grabbed her to cause such a mark.

"Did he do this?" Liam gnashed his teeth together, he thought he might break them if he didn't let up soon. He wasn't aware he was capable of such a seething rage; it could only be described as murderous. He wanted to hurt that fish-man for what he'd done.

He looked around the room, trying to recall the faces of the men they'd passed on the pier. He imagined every muscular meathead was the one who did this, as if he even knew what the guy looked like. He pictured a hulking, brutish beast of a man with a sloped forehead, an underbite, and a bushy unibrow—so basically a caveman. He wanted to rip them all apart.

Apparently, happiness wasn't the only emotion intensified by love.

Kaelin stood from her seat, crossing the room to him. She placed her hands on his cheeks, turning his head to face her. "I am fine." She stretched up to give him a kiss. "You have no need to worry. I told you before I can deal with Arlen."

Liam sighed, trying to take her advice. "Tell me again how you froze his balls off. That'll make me feel better." He went over to the couch and plopped down, spread-eagled, in the center. His anger had tired him. "God, I wish I could've seen his face when you did it."

Kaelin flashed her dazzling smile, giggling. "I have never seen Arlen so upset." She sat down beside him and touched his face. The image of the merman appeared in his mind, towering over her. His large bronze hand squeezed her arm too tight. Shards of ice pelted his bare chest and shoulders. His face was bewildered. "I have greatly wanted to knock down his pig."

"What?" Liam laughed at her weird phrase. It took a minute to realize what she was actually trying to say. "I think you mean, 'knock him down a peg.'"

"No matter." Kaelin waved off his correction. "It was highly enjoyable."

Liam leaned over to slip his arms around her, drawing her closer. "Promise me you'll be careful. I don't know if I could deal if anything happened to you."

"You needn't worry." She laid her hand flat on his chest, looking up at him with her insanely vivid blue eyes.

"But I do," Liam said. "I guess that's what you get when you fall in love."

"Then I shall be doubly careful. For you."

To show his appreciation, and just because he wanted to, Liam moved to give her a kiss. With his eyes half-lidded, he leaned his forehead against her temple. "I really do love you, y'know."

"You have mentioned it several times." she said, stroking his hair. "But you may say it as often as you please. I do so enjoy the sound of it."

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