Chapter 30 - Kaelin - Epiphany

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"No!" Kaelin screeched. Rivulets of hot tears ran down Kaelin's face, mixing with the seawater that already soaked her, leaving her unsure if it was the salt water or her own tears that caused the salty taste in her mouth. The sight of the boy she loved so badly injured and coughing up blood was too much. Kaelin rolled over onto her back, her wet skin coated in a thick layer of sand, to face off against the hulking man.

Strom bent down to retract the huge blade from Liam's abdomen with a violent jerk that made the wound larger. He raised the machete, dripping with Liam's red blood, toward Kaelin. She was his real target. Liam was nothing more than a nuisance. He was collateral damage.

"Stop," screamed Gretchen, around sobs. There were tears pouring down her face when she appeared at Liam's side. She pulled his head into her lap, frantically stroking his face. All the while, she quietly whispered, "No, no, no, please no." She grabbed one of Liam's bloody hands, gripping it tightly.

Strom remained resolute in his task, ignoring the outburst. He raised his blade for another attempt on Kaelin.

Kaelin morphed her hand back to its natural form, so she could scratch him again, but Strom was barely fazed by the marks she left across his chest. If anything it only served to make him angrier.

With no time or energy to conjure another geyser, nor any other way to defend herself, Kaelin leaned back, raising her arms for protection, even though she knew it was a useless act.

A loud shriek, which must have been Gretchen was followed by a meaty thud. "Woah... my God!" Gretchen sounded incredibly shaken.

Kaelin cracked her eyelids to peer through her lashes. Strom was no longer standing over her. His blade was on the sand at her feet. His body was laid out in front of her, a giant harpoon stuck in the middle of his chest. As a wave crashed over him, his body reverted to its natural state; his golden tail unfurled, twice as long as Kaelin's. When the water receded, his blood pooled around him, slowly seeping from the fatal shot.

Kaelin watched in silence as Strom's body slowly morphed again. This time, it began to disintegrate into nothing more than pale blue foam, which was swept up by the next wave to roll in.

In spite her dislike of him and his homicidal tendencies toward her, Kaelin couldn't help but to recite the mantra spoken at every mers' funeral. "From water we are born, to water we return." It was such an infrequent thing for a mer to die that she felt it only right someone speak for him. No matter how terrible he may have been.

"Mr. Culver?" There was a slight quiver in Gretchen's voice.

Kaelin looked over her shoulder to see Grandfather, holding the very weapon that killed Strom.

For a moment, James Culver stood frozen, the empty gun still aimed at the spot where the merman had stood. His face went slack, all of a sudden, and he dropped the large metal killing machine in the sand. In an instant, he flew into action. He rushed to Liam, who had gone pale from the loss of so much blood. It was everywhere. Bright red, unmistakeable, impossible to miss. It was splashed across his white t-shirt. It painted the sand. His hands were gloved in the thick liquid where he had grabbed at his wound.

"Gretchen, run to the house. Call 9-1-1." James demanded. "Then, see if Cynthia is back yet, and tell her to get out here. Bring towels, sheets... anything to stop the bleeding."

"Y-Y-Yes, sir," Gretchen said, giving a quick nod, getting to her feet.

"No!" Kaelin said, before Gretchen could go anywhere. "Gretchen, come back."

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