Chapter 42 - Kaelin - Breaking Point

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While Amaya remained at the bar bestowing her charm on Molly, who seemed an eager recipient, Kaelin and Liam followed James to rejoin the others at their table. They were discussing what had transpired tonight with a mixture of awe and fear. For most of them, the news of mermaids' existence was fairly fresh.

Liam grabbed a metal chair from the next table and dragged it over, so that he and Kaelin could sit beside each other. He slipped his hand into hers which had been resting on her leg and intertwined his fingers with hers. When she looked up, he offered her a half smile.

James blew out a breath with a groan as he sank into the chair beside Cynthia. "I got Art to keep a lid on that wall out there."

"How?" Liam asked.

"He's gonna speak to the sheriff. Tell her some kids are making crank calls. That way if anyone calls about it she'll think it's fake."

"That's a great idea, Grandfather."

"Well, I do got a few brain cells left rattling around up here." He lifted two fingers and tapped his forehead. "But something better be done quick. A giant wall of ice ain't exactly subtle. It's fine for now while it's dark out and that storm is raging, but come morning they'll be able to see for their self it's not just a kid messing around."

Kaelin sighed, resigned. "If my father hasn't arrived by sunrise, it won't much matter one or the other. Arlen will surely have brought the wall down by then, and no human will be equipped to deal with them."

At that very moment, a brilliant flash of purple light illuminated all the windows. Then, a clap of thunder rocked the whole building, vibrating everything with such intensity, it was as if an explosion had gone off outside. A few of the glasses on the shelf behind the bar had rattled too close to the edge and tipped over, falling to their doom, adding to the chaos. The storm was growing stronger, more dangerous.

"What in the hell?" James grunted.

Everyone looked a bit shaken.

A shiver traveled up Kaelin's spine that made her tremble, gooseflesh rising all over her skin. She gripped the edge of the table and closed her eyes, curious as to what caused the feeling. She was not in the habit of cowering from lightning and thunder. In her younger days, she sought out deep sea storms to ride the intense currents, for fun.

"Kaelin, did you sense that?" Calder asked.

She looked up to see her brother's forehead wrinkled with worry, his porcelain skin even paler than usual. "You, too?" she asked, though she didn't need an answer. It was written plainly on his face.

A second later, Amaya rushed over. "Something is wrong."

Calder and Kaelin shared a look; his face showed the same fear that had taken root in her chest, causing an icy ache in her heart. "The wall." they both said.

Everyone jumped to their feet and rushed to the door to stare through the glass that rattled with each break of thunder. The storm was still raging, but it had turned its fury away from the island, focusing all its devastating forces on the wall. Lightning struck the ice, chipping away gigantic chunks, while the water below slammed into the surface, causing a splintering that would eventually result in the whole wall toppling.

"What do we do?" Amaya asked.

"Even if father gets our message, he won't arrive for hours." Calder said. "We'll never hold them all off."

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