Chapter 31 - Amaya - Repercussions

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It had been a while since Kaelin escaped, with Strom fast on her tail. Amaya was worried for Kaelin's safety. Her sister was resilient and strong. She could take care of herself. But Strom was a warrior who'd seen many battles in his time. Could Kaelin defend herself against him?

The door of the tiny shack swung open, bringing Amaya out of her thoughts. The first through the door was Arlen. His pale green eyes fixed on Amaya, obviously angry about something. "Your sister continues to elude me."

Amaya was stone-faced. "How unfortunate for you."

Arlen stalked over, his footsteps heavy against the creaking floorboards. He raised his arm in front of himself, about to strike her.

Amaya turned her head and shied back from him, trying to prepare herself for the blow. It wasn't the first time he'd struck her since he'd bullied his way into the mission to find Kaelin, so it wasn't a surprise that he would hit her again.

But none ever came. She opened her eyes and slowly turned her head up to find Calder standing between her and Arlen, holding tight to Arlen's arm. The skin around Calder's hand grew pale and she could hear sizzling. She thought at first that Calder was burning him from the inside out. However, the cloud rolling off of Calder's hand left a chill in the air. "Lay hands my sister and you will regret it."

She was grateful to Calder, even though he had allowed Arlen to treat her and himself as subordinates, going so far as to chain her up. Until that moment, Calder had lost the strength that she'd always so admired in him.

Arlen jerked his arm away and gave Calder a murderous glare, the green of his eyes turning dark and smoky. "Then keep a handle on her."

Suddenly, something broke through the surface of the water. The sight of the golden tan skin and dark hair led her to believe it was Strom returning, which left her queasy. She expected him to be towing Kaelin along after him, wrapped in the same unbreakable chains that held her hostage.

However, it wasn't Strom in the water. It was Peleg, the other warrior whom Moab sent to guard Amaya, to make sure she couldn't help Kaelin to escape. He'd spent much of their time here in the water, circling the island in case Kaelin decided to go for a swim. Although, Amaya didn't understand why they believed her sister, who had eluded capture for nearly ten years, would do such a stupid thing. It took very little for them to find their own kind in the ocean.

A warm sense of relief traveled through Amaya's whole body, and she blew out the breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

Peleg's skin glowed as his body shed it's scales and his tail split into legs. He swam over to the ladder and climbed up onto the platform. He placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. "I saw no signs of Kaelin or Strom. They must've gone to ground."

Amaya's face must've shown her concern, because when Arlen looked down at her, he smiled, devilishly delighted. "Did you think Strom would not inform us that he was pursuing Kaelin?" He was far to pleased. "He sent word the moment he dove into the water after her."

Calder crossed his arms over his chest. He did not look pleased with Amaya. "Just tell us what you know, Amaya." he said, mimicking their father's stern face, which Amaya could never balk against.

But Calder was not their father. He was intimidating to be sure, however, his displeasure with her did not carry the same weight.

"What I know is that Kaelin came to help me, as one does for their family." Amaya stared, pointedly, into her brother's crystal blue eyes. "Then, she left. Strom went in after her, as you say. That is all I know."

Arlen walked over, pushing Calder out of the way, forcefully. He leaned down, holding the arms of her chair, and brought his face so close to hers that she could feel his warm breath on her skin. "One way or another, we are going to find her. You should consider the repercussions, to yourself and to Kaelin, if that takes too long. My father is not known for his patience."

Amaya cut her eyes up to her brother. The muscles in his jaw were tense from gnashing his teeth together. She wished he would pull Arlen away. She didn't understand how he could be on their side. This was supposed to be about retrieving Kaelin. They were just to bring her home to perform the bonding and ally themselves with the Southern Clan. Arlen acted like he would rather have Kaelin's blood on his hands, than her mark of bonding.

Arlen straightened his back and walked over to Peleg. "I believe it is time that we call in our reinforcements." He looked around at the small, dusty shack; at the pallet of tarps and blankets where one of the guards always slept, in order to keep an eye on Amaya, since he didn't trust her to sleep in-water, in the case that she could send a message to Kaelin. "I have grown weary of this disgusting place. I am ready for this to be done."

After witnessing Arlen's behavior, and his fervent irritation toward Kaelin, Amaya was left with no doubts that Kaelin was telling the truth about the plans Moab had devised to take over the clans. It was devastating and terrifying to think about, but she couldn't dismiss it anymore. Now, she just needed to convince Calder.

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