Chapter 37 - Liam - Believe It or Not

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As soon as Andy pulled up in front of Grandfather's house, Liam bolted from the car, running headlong toward the garage. He flung open the doors, ignoring the torrential downpour that had followed them from the beach. The clouds overhead looked like they covered the entire island. He doubted there was anywhere safe from the storm.

But the one thing that he did know was that he couldn't leave Kaelin to deal with this on her own. That just didn't sit right with him. He'd felt a nauseous churning in his stomach ever since he left her. He was literally sick at the thought of it.

So, Liam went over to his motorcycle and pulled the tarp off. He had just picked up the helmet when Andy, Gretchen, and Jesse appeared to block his exit. Like him, they were thoroughly drenched.

"What the hell are you doing?" Andy asked, shaking the excess water from his dark hair, made darker still by the dampness, which was now sticking up at odd angles all over.

"You can't go back there, Liam." Gretchen told him, having correctly surmised his plan.

"I can't not." Liam slammed helmet down on the seat and stared into Gretchen's eyes, hoping to convey how strongly he felt about this. She was the only one of them that knew about Kaelin and everything that they'd been through together. "She wouldn't leave me behind."

"What's going on?" Jesse asked. His face was contorted with confusion, but no one bothered to explain.

Even Gretchen ignored Jesse, to offer Liam a advice: "Kaelin can take care of herself. You're just gonna get yourself killed. If not by that massive tidal wave, then by driving in this weather."

"Dude," Andy came over to Liam and grabbed hold of his arm, pressing his fingers hard into Liam's skin. "Don't be a jackass. You're not going to find her. God only knows where the hell she went."

Liam stared at his brother with a steely glare. "She didn't go anywhere."

"What do you mean?"

"She stayed at the beach." Liam said.

Andy released his hold and took a step back. It was his turn to look confused. "But Gretchen said..."

When Andy turned his scrutinizing gaze to Gretchen, she cast her eyes down to the dirty, oil-stained floor. "What the hell is going on?" he asked.

They were going in circles, and it was getting them nowhere, fast. Liam decided the time for secrets was over. Kaelin's secret wasn't worth her life. "Kaelin is going to die trying to protect us." he said. "That wave is full of psycho merpeople who want to kill her."

"Merpeople..." Andy repeated the word, scrunching his forehead until fine lines appeared. "As in, like, mermaid merpeople?" Andy's confusion had morphed into wariness. "I think you may have hit your head, little brother." He actually sounded concerned, which may have been a first for him. "I know you always liked Grandfather's mermaid stories, but you don't actually believe they're real, do you?" The tone of his voice made it clear that the only acceptable answer was "No, of course they aren't real," but Liam couldn't say that.

Liam didn't blame his brother for being skeptical. Before he met Kaelin, he didn't believe in the stories either. "You don't have to believe me, Andy, but I won't let you stop me. I'll lay you out if I have to." Liam clutched his hand into a fist at his side, readying himself for a fight.

"Liam," Gretchen approached him slowly, her wet shoes making a squishy squeaking sound with each step she took towards him. She reached out to take hold of his clenched fist in both of her hands. "You have to trust her to take care of this. You know what she can do, how powerful she is."

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