Chapter 51 - Kaelin - Farewell Song

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After several hours, Kaelin was ready to leave the party. She wanted to save her last moments for Liam. She said her goodbyes to Gretchen, James, and Cynthia. She thanked Jesse and Andy for helping when the time came. Now, she just needed to find the strength to say goodbye to the boy who'd claimed her heart.

She took one last look at the people who'd come to be like a second family in such a short time. Cynthia was on the patio, laughing with Gretchen's parents. Gretchen was trying to smash cake in Jesse's face. James was teaching some children how to play a game called Horseshoes. Calder had grown bored hours ago. He was waiting somewhere offshore for Kaelin and Amaya. Unlike them, he didn't care too much about the human world. Apart from the food, he claimed this place held no sway over him.

Amaya, meanwhile, was in the clearing between the tables, clinging to Molly as a slow song played over the speakers. Both wore the same dreamy half smile as they swayed gently to the beat.

Kaelin took Liam's hand as they left their friends and family behind. They strolled lazily along the sidewalk, making their way toward the boardwalk, a few blocks over, as the sky turned a soft shade of pink overhead.

Kaelin kept trying to think of something to say, but nothing seemed adequate. He, too, had a few false starts. He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but closed it again.

They found their way to the street that stretched out parallel to the shore. They passed by the Bayview restaurant and the cliffside where they watched fireworks and held hands. Further down was the park where they kissed in the fountain and he pushed her on the swings.

They didn't bother going all the way to the boardwalk. Even from a distance, they could see how crowded it was. The destruction had brought out many curious residents and tourists alike. The boardwalk had withstood many hurricanes over the years, and people were wondering how a thunderstorm could come out of nowhere and knock it down. The sheriff and her deputies had blocked off the entrance, so no one could get inside.

Kaelin and Liam crossed the street when they spotted a gate that offered beach access. After descending a narrow flight of rickety, wooden steps, they found themselves among a group of people cleaning up the debris from the destroyed boardwalk.

Liam sighed. "For chrissakes! We can't get a moment of peace."

Kaelin slipped her arms around his waist and tilted her head back slightly to look into his chocolate brown eyes. "All that matters is that we're together for now."

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you." Liam wrapped his arms around her and leaned in to kiss her forehead. "I already miss you, and you're not even gone yet."

She reached up and placed her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Miss me tomorrow," she told him. "Forget that I'm leaving. Don't worry about how long it might be before I come back. Just be here with me, right now, in this moment, and don't think about the rest."

He seemed to accept her terms. He even smiled, suggesting they go back to his grandfather's house, which they did. Rather than go inside, they went around to the back and found a spot on the beach where they sat, holding each other until the sun went down. They made plans for all the places he would take her once she finally came back.

Seeing the rest of the world sounded fun, but she didn't need the rest of the world. She would be content to spend her life on this island, in this house, with this boy. And then, at the end of every day, they could sit on this beach, cuddled up together, and watch the sun go down.

The thought brought a smile to her face that didn't go away, even as the sky turned to darker shades of blue, and finally black. The stars appeared slowly. One here, one there. Then, all of a sudden, they were everywhere. The sky was full of them.

She was deliriously happy. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she was where she belonged.

Unfortunately, reality set in all too quickly when her brother emerged in the deep water. Then, Amaya appeared beside him. It was time to go.

Kaelin pulled away from Liam and turned to face him. "I love you, Liam."

His smile dropped at the words, or maybe it was her tone. She couldn't have sounded very happy. She wasn't happy. But it was only temporary, she told herself.

Liam stood up and offered her a helping hand. He didn't let go after she had gotten up, instead he pulled her close, slipping his arms around her waist to pull her against his solid frame. She reached up to hook her arms around his neck.

"I love you, Kaelin." He leaned down and gave her a deep, passionate kiss that she felt all the way to her toes. When the kiss ended, he kept his face close to hers, and whispered, "Don't forget me." The fragility in his voice almost made her cry. He'd been so reluctant to be vulnerable with her, barely able to say how he felt, but now his whole heart was open to her.

Kaelin brushed her hand across his cheek. "I could never forget you." Tears welled in both of their eyes as she stretched to give him a small chaste kiss. "And I will be back. I promise."

Liam nodded, trying to offer a smile, his lips quivering slightly. "Try to hurry."

Kaelin chuckled despite feeling so sad. "I'll do my best."

She stepped away from him to remove the turquoise dress, which she handed to him. "Goodbye, for now."

Kaelin ran down to the shore and dove straight in without looking back, allowing her true form to take shape. She swam out to meet her siblings, who each greeted her fondly, though Amaya looked a bit forlorn. The image of Molly was on her mind as she turned and swam away.

Unable to stop herself, Kaelin swam up to the surface to take one last look. Liam was standing all alone, just a dark silhouette. Behind him the gray house looked empty, with no lights to give it that warm, homey feeling to which she'd become so accustomed.

Kaelin felt compelled to sing out one more verse of their song. It was full of the heartbreak and sadness that she felt for having to leave him behind. She watched helplessly as he sank down onto his knees, clutching her dress tightly in his hands. She ended the verse just as the house became illuminated and the back door swung open. Cynthia, James, Andy, Gretchen, and Jesse all rushed out. They ran down to where Liam was kneeling in the sand.

She raised her hand in a wave to say farewell, before diving beneath the surface. She found her sister waiting for her. Calder was further ahead, but Amaya had waited. She held her hand out and Kaelin took hold of it. It wasn't really something that mermaids did, but Amaya must've sensed that she needed it.

They swam off, toward the home that Kaelin hadn't seen in nearly a decade. She was excited to reconnect with family and old friends, but she would be happier when the day came that she could finally return to that little gray house on the beach.

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