Chapter 50 - Liam - The Lucky One

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After heading back to The Old Shack, Liam and Kaelin found everyone gathered in the parking lot, next to Liam's mother's car and Grandfather's old truck. Apparently, after finally closing the bar, Molly took them to the marina to pick up their vehicles so they wouldn't have to walk home.

Mrs. Bainbridge and Andy rode in her car to take Gretchen and her boyfriend home, while Grandfather took Liam and Kaelin back to his house. Once upstairs, Liam pulled Kaelin into his bedroom. He didn't care what his mother might say; if this was his last night with Kaelin, he wasn't going to waste it. He took her in his arms and didn't let go until they awoke the next day.

The sun was bright outside his windows, much too bright to be early morning. He could barely keep his eyes open against the light. He held up his hand in front of his face as he went over to close the curtains.

Kaelin jumped out of bed and rushed over to him. She threw her arms around his neck before placing a passionate kiss on his lips.

"We should probably get dressed and go downstairs." Liam said, looking over to the clock on his bedside table. It was 11:32, which surprised him. He hadn't slept so late since before Kaelin arrived. Of course, they had been up until nearly four in the morning fighting for their lives, so one lazy day could be excused. Although, it meant that they now had less time to do anything before she had to leave.

Kaelin had other ideas, though. She pulled him back to the bed and before he knew it, it was after noon.

"We really have to get up now." he told her.

Begrudgingly, she agreed. They took turns in the shower and both got dressed for the day. Liam slipped on a comfortable pair of cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. He waited in the hall for Kaelin, who chose a turquoise sundress that set off her eyes and made them look even brighter than usual. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her feet were adorned with her favorite pink flip flops.

Liam licked his lips as he pulled her into his arms and gave her a quick kiss. "You look beautiful."

She reached up to run her fingers through his thick brown hair. "As do you." She examined his face, carefully, taking in every inch. "I'm going to miss seeing you everyday."

Liam tried to swallow the lump that had just formed in his throat, unsuccessfully. He cleared his throat and nodded. "Me, too." H gently stroked the back of his curled up fingers against her cheek, letting his thumb trial lazily behind. "I love you more than I ever thought I could possibly love someone."

Kaelin smiled sweetly. It was clear in the way that she looked at him that she felt the same way.

Just then, the door to his mother's bedroom opened. She came out, fixing an earring in her earlobe. She was quite dressed up, in a pink and white striped top, white capri pants, and wedges. "Oh, good, you're both up."

Liam was glad that she didn't mention the fact that they'd slept in the same room. Maybe she didn't realize it. After all, everyone was exhausted last night. He'd heard her and Andy arrive home last night, twenty minutes after they did. A few minutes later he heard her bedroom door close. It was possible that she hadn't even checked.

"We're leaving for the Abernathy's barbecue in ten minutes," Mrs. Bainbridge said.

"What?" Liam asked, confused. "Why?"

"Don't you remember?" Mrs. Bainbridge sighed, clearly annoyed by his forgetfulness. "Dr. Abernathy invited us to their Fourth of July party."

"It's the Fourth of July?!" Liam had completely lost track of the date. He been so busy with Kaelin that it had crept up on him.

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