Same Old Love

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You have loved a man, but he left you. Whatever the reason, he just did.
And every passing night you will cry, you pray for the morning not to come because it marks another day of mourning. And you will still grieve for days — even weeks after that.
It will take you a very long time before you recover, because this is unlike any of your experienced hangover.

Then out of nowhere you'll find another soul — exactly wonderful like yours.
He comes when you did not expect him — when you least prayed for him to appear, when you didn't have any clue.
You will push him away, afraid that he might be like the one before.
But he will awaken you in your hibernation, like a stream of hot water.
He will hold your broken pieces by gluing them with his own blood; hurting himself just to fix you.
Then you will finally feel okay again. The same happiness, the same insects flying thru your stomach— everything you have felt before will come back.
And you will be together until time flies to an end.

Because no, you don't fall inlove twice or thrice.
No, love doesn't die and gets reborn once a person leaves your life and another one comes.
It's the same old love.
It's the same old fire, just a different gasoline.
It's the same old music, just a different singer.
It's the same old story, now,
With a different ending.

// same old love

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