You Were Here

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My foot's on the door,
Of the same entrance you were once in before.
Enthralling it was — like you've previously described.
Frightening it was, but it's not something so bad.

As you told me your goodbye, I am saying hello.
To where you once traveled, now I am to go.
As you told me you'd remember me but not how you felt,
I wrote this poem, to be able for me to vent.

But I will still find you in every detail.
In every parade marches, rifles thrown and mud-traced trail.
I will get through the same path you traveled,
With hopes to see you in the end.

I will find solace and have no tear,
Knowing once in your lifetime,
You were also here.

//    you were here


For you, 2LT. Gonzales
and to the hopes I have,
that one day you'll realize
it's still me you love.

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