Chapter 1

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Rue, only a little baby at the time, was being dragged around by her abusive parents. She didn't particularly know what was going on but she knew she was crying a lot.
Her mother lifted her up and carried her to a clearing, deep in the woods, late at night. Rue was nodding off into sleep, unaware of the sudden change in climate. Her mother placed her on the wet ground, which startled Rue, and caused her to cry, a very shrill cry. Her father hit the side of her head, which only heightened her cries, her mother spat," Hurry and Kill her." Her father grumbling nonsense as he tied a string around Rue's ankles and then tied weights to the strings.
He lifted her up, saying" Drown, runt." He carried her over to the river and was about to drop her in when...

Klaus' POV
The forest was usually quiet at this time of night, but I heard a very shrill cry that hurt my ears. I sped in that direction and saw 2 humans holding something that was making the sound, and I realized it was a baby, defenseless and weak, I sped to the woman and snapped her neck. The man turned, hearing the bones snap, He screamed," What the hell?!"
I said," Put the baby down." Calmly as I could and compelling him, he put the baby down and she started dozing off. " Walk to me." The man walked to me and I attacked him, biting into his neck, draining him of blood, then in good measure tore his heart out. I wiped my hands on his shirt then looked at the now sleeping baby. I walked to her and lifted her into my arms, she started crying,
I said" Calm down, pup, it's alright now, I'm take care of you. Now what should I call you?" She stopped crying and cuddled into my chest," Hmm... How about Rue? it means regret but also a mountain flower, you're going to be a little mountain flower." I looked at her and saw a smile on her face, I smiled," Rue it is." I walked all the way back to the mansion, even though I could have sped there but I didn't want to frightened Rue.

Elijah looked at me as he saw the bundle in my arms,
He said" What have you done now, Niklaus?"
I said" Nothing. Her parents were trying to kill her, so I killed them and I'm going to take care of the little one, her name is Rue."
" Klaus Mikaelson, taking care of an infant? Will this actually work?"
" Of course it will, Brother, I'm quite good at caring for children." Rue started crying, I rocked her in my arms and kissed her head," Calm down, little one, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

I woke up to Rue crying, then I saw Rebekah next to the bassinet, Rebekah said" When did you get a baby?"
I said" I killed her parents, after they tried to kill her, her name is Rue."
" Oh, she's just precious. I will go shop for her clothes."
" Thank you, sister."
" She's gonna change you, Klaus." Then she walked out, without another word, I looked at Rue.
" Well, little one, it's alright." I lifted her into my arms and rocked her in my arms, lightly bouncing her a bit. She stopped crying, and I walked us out of the room, and then downstairs. Elijah was up and reading a book,
Elijah said" Rebekah was ecstatic, she saw Rue, didn't she?"
" Yes, now she is shopping for Rue's clothes for me."
" Hand over my niece." He stood up, putting the book down, and I handed Rue over to him." Hello, Rue, you are going to be an excellent addition to the family."
I walked upstairs, to shower and change clothes.
Once I walked back downstairs and saw Rebekah gushing over Rue and her clothes. I smiled a bit, then Elijah saw me and chuckled, I said" Is she torturing the poor baby?"
Elijah said" Surprisingly no, Rue seems to like dressing up."
Rebekah said" Just wait till she's older."
Rue giggled and reached out, grabbing a hold of the necklace Rebekah was wearing, then babbled." Do you like my necklace, Rue?" Rebekah took off the necklace and placed it on Rue, I smiled seeing my sister smile and coo at the adorable baby.
7 years later-->
I woke up to Rue moving around, she had slept with me last night due to her having a nightmare and crying out. I grabbed her foot before it kicked me in the side, and opened my eyes. Rue was squirming and had sweat on her forehead, I said" Little one, wake up, Rue, wake up." I shook her shoulders, gently, then she gasped and woke up, then clang to my arm tightly. I looked at her," Little one, what was it about?"
She said" You, uncle Elijah and Aunt Rebekah left me."
" Little one, we'll never leave you, ever, and if we do, we'll always come back."
" Okay, daddy." She slid off the bed and then walked out the door, I got up and followed her. She walked downstairs, only to be swooped up by Elijah, she laughed, screaming" Uncle Elijah!" I smiled at her, she pouted," Daddy, it's not funny!"
" It's not, I swear."
Elijah said" Good morning, Rue."
She mumbled" Morning, Uncle Elijah." He kissed her head then put her down, she ran off to probably find Rebekah so she could get Elijah in "trouble". I smiled, as I heard Rue slid into the wall, she's quite clumsy.

I was reading a book, when Rue found me and climbed onto my lap, She said" I'm bored, daddy."
I said" Well... what could we do?"
She knew I was a hybrid, and the rest of her family are vampires, but that's all she knew, she knew hardly any of our past. She most certainly didn't know I killed her birth parents.
" Uh... We could go to the market?"
" Why would we go to the market, little one?"
" For strawberries, we're out."
" Didn't I..."
" They disappeared."
" Sure, disappeared or you ate them all with your meals?"
" They're the best fruit ever!"
I chuckled," Alright, go get your shoes on, and we'll go, tell Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Elijah they're joining us and if they deny, use those big eyes of yours."
She smiled and ran off, going to get her shoes and her uncle and aunt, I smiled and got up, going to the door, waiting.

Once Rue ran back to me, Elijah and Rebekah were behind her, I smiled, and lifted her into my arms, walking out the door.

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