Chapter 20

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Rue's POV
I finally tired out as Kol wrapped his arms around my stomach to keep me from falling. He picked me up and I closed my eyes, laying my head against his chest.
He said" Come on, darling, let's get you to bed." He carried me upstairs to my room, and then put me onto my bed," You need some rest, Rue, I'll take care of the kids if they wake."
I mumbled" Alright." I laid down and then closed my eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.

Once I woke up, I sighed then opened my eyes, I got out of bed and walked downstairs. Kol, Elijah and my dad were sitting at the table talking, Rebekah and my kids no where to be seen or heard.
I said" Where's Peter and Belle?"
Elijah said" Rebekah has taken them out for ice cream."
" Why? Someone tried to take them, they shouldn't be leaving my side, I can protect them."
" Darling, They'll be safe with Rebekah."
" I don't believe that. Where are they? I'm going to get them." Elijah looked at Kol, Kol stood up and walked to me, Kol said" Darling, Rebekah can care for them, she won't let them get hurt."
" No, Kol! I don't want them to be even more than a foot away from me, let alone leaving this house!"
" It's alright, Rue."
" Don't tell me that! It's a lie! People, vampires came after my very human children, Kol. My children! I will do anything to protect my children, Anything!"
" I know you will, but I will do anything to protect my niece, and if that means..." he sped to me and held my hands behind my back," I have to hold you against your will, I definitely will do that." I struggled against his grip," Stop, darling, you're gonna hurt yourself." I struggled more, crying and screaming at him, I finally stopped and relaxed, leaning back, he let go of my hands and lifted me into his arms. I breathed heavily, crying, he put me down and hugged me, I cried into his chest.

Klaus' POV
Once Rue was upstairs, gone to take a shower, I said" What's happened while I was away?"
Kol said" A lot."
" Like..."
" Uh... well... she was kidnapped while she was pregnant, it took us three weeks to find and rescue her. The people nearly killed the twins and Rue, we almost lost all three of them, but we didn't. Then... when the twins were 1, vampires found our location and attacked, the only reason Peter is here today is because I fed him my blood and he healed. When they were 2, some witches started to rebel and nearly killed Rue and Belle, but luckily Rue fought back and killed a dozen of them before we even got there, and when we got there, we killed the rest. A few months after that, Belle and Peter were kidnapped by some compelled human, and Rue killed that human and got her children back, then she killed the vampires that compelled the man."
" She's been through so much, I can't even imagine."
" But she's making it through it, like she always does."

Once Rue walked back down, she was shaking, Elijah said" What?"
She said" Rebekah called... someone snapped her neck and took the kids, she can't find them anywhere." Kol sped to her and wrapped his arms around her," I'm going to find my kids, try to stop me and I'll stake you." She walked upstairs, Kol looked at us, then up to her,
Kol said" We can't stop her, so... Let's figure out what the bloody hell we're gonna do?!"
I said" Well, they've got my grandchildren, so, I'm gonna do any thing to get them back."

Once we left the house, Rue was in her own world, not speaking, only staring out the window as we drove down the road. Kol said" We'll find them, Rue, we will." She just nodded her head but didn't make eye contact," Rue, I know you're scared, but I will not let your children be hurt." She nodded, then looked at him,
She said" Kol, promise me, you won't kill the person who took my kids, okay?"
" I can't-"
" Promise me!"
" I promise I won't."
I said" Rue.."
She said" Don't, Dad. Just... Don't." She wiped her face then went back to looking out the window.

We got to Rebekah, she hugged Rue tightly, then looked at us,
She said" They were right there, then my neck was snapped, once I woke, they were gone. Do you think you could track them, Nik?"
I said" I could try." I sniffed the air then followed the scent of Peter and Belle, they followed behind me. We got deeper into the forest, then I stopped," What the..."
" What, Nik? What is it?"
" It's Mikael."
Rue said" Who's Mikael?"
Kol said" Our father. Tried to kill us, hunted us through the centuries. He doesn't care about anyone or anything, he's ruthless."
" Can he be killed?"
" No."
" Would he kill my kids?"
" Yes." She dropped her bag and dug through her bag, before pulling out a stake." Darling, what is that?"
" White oak. A witch made it, a few years back, I killed her and took it, Ive been keeping it hidden ever since."
" You had white oak and didn't care to tell your family?"
" Yep. Because you would act like that, Rebekah giving me a smirk, and Elijah having that proud look on his face. And yes, dad, Ive gotten great at lying."
" Alright, you got me that time, Rue, let's go get your kids." She nodded, then she smirked before standing up and walking off, I sped in front of her and led them.

Once we got to an abandoned home in the middle of nowhere, Rue let out a breathe she'd been holding in.
I said" Rue, I know you are strong, but I want you to stay out here."
She said" No, dad. No."
Elijah said" Niklaus do not fight with her, she'll win." I nodded, then we went in.

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