Chapter 11

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Kol's POV
Nik had changed entirely due to Lucien's presence, he was ignoring his daughter. I watched as Rue pouted seeing Nik leave again with Lucien, I walked to her, saying" What's wrong, Princess?"
She mumbled" Daddy's leaving again. That's twice in one day! He's forgot about me, hasn't he?"
" No, no. Princess, no he hasn't."
" Yes, he has! He's never here anymore!"
" I know but... but he's an adult, he does adult things."
" So?"
" I don't know what else to say, Princess, but I know he hasn't forgotten you."
" Leave me alone."
" Princess, it's alright to be sad, but maybe you'll feel better if we have a little fun, huh?"
" Okay." I smiled then stood up, lifting her up and held her on my hip as I walked to the kitchen and put her on the counter. She smiled as I sped around the room getting out of the ingredients for our fun little game. I put the ingredients on the table then stopped next to her," What are we doing, Uncle Kol?"
" Playing a game, blindfolded baking, we'll mix together a bunch of sweets and bake it, and then we'll have fun playing once we eat the sugary goodness."
" Okay! That'll be fun!" I smiled then we started playing our game.

Once we made like 5 things filled with sugary sweets and had ice cream put into a bowl, we began eating. Rue laughed as I gently wiped her mouth due to ice cream all over her lips. She laughed again and again as we continued to get hyper.
After a while, I was watching Rue jump from counter to counter, laughing. I leaned against the the counter, chuckling at her, we were on a whole other level of sugar rush,
she slid down from the counter and ran around and around. She soon got bored of that and jumped from counter to counter again and again, but then I heard Nik say" What the hell, Kol?"
I said" Stay right here, Princess!" She smiled nodding, then I sped out, nearly crashing into the wall if it wasn't for Elijah who stopped me before I could.
Elijah said" Are you drunk?"
" No, 'course not. I'm just really, really hyper."
" Where's rue?"
" In the kitchen."
Nik said" What have you two done?"
" Well... baked a lot of cakes, and then ate them, and now we're just going crazy. We need to go to the park or something, we're going crazy in this home." 
" You do realize that this 10 year old can get sick from eating that much sugar!"
" Yes, and do you realize Rue is a 10 year old girl who needs her father around at all times, she's dependent on you. And she was crying her little eyes out, so I decided we'd have some fun."
" She's 10 years old, she's old enough to care for herself."
We argued for half an hour till we both walked into the kitchen to see Rue gone. Elijah said" Where's Rue? She's no where in the house."
I said" She's old enough to care for herself, dammit Nik, you've scared her off."
We all split up, searching for the young girl that thinks she can tend to herself. I sped around the entire forest but with no luck of finding any trace of her.

Rue's POV
I was walking down the road, I don't know where I am but I guess I'll just keep walking. I sniffled, my daddy doesn't need me anymore, he says I can take care of myself. I wiped my eyes then started running, I wanna get far away from home as I can possibly get and I'm never going back!

After it got dark, I yawned then wiped my eyes, I'm sleepy but I gotta keep walking. I slowed down, then faced the ground, walking slowly.
I heard my daddy say" Princess, oh, thank god, are you okay?" I looked up and saw him in front of me, then he sped to me and crouched down, looking up at me." Princess, Rue, please talk to me, say something, anything."
I said" You don't love me no more."
" Princess, No, no. I love you so much, so much, I was just angry at Kol, I didn't mean to say that. I love you so much."
" No!"
" Princess, Rue, I love you so, so, so much and I'll never stop loving you, you're my little princess forever and always."
" No!"
" Rue, come home, it's dark and cold, you're going to get sick, Princess."
I held out my arms, Daddy stood up and lifted me up, wrapping his arms around me tightly then I tucked my face into his neck, falling asleep.

Klaus' POV
I held her in my arms, she's nearly 5 miles away from the mansion, anything could have happened to her, and I made her upset. Which is something I never want to do, she's my baby girl, I'll never do her wrong, she's my world. She fell asleep after tucking her face into my neck, I sighed then sped us back to the mansion, and inside. Kol saw her and took her from my arms, he glared at me then held her like a baby, checking her over.
I said" She's alright, Kol."
Kol said" Just leave us alone." Then walked upstairs,
Elijah said" You have made the most paranoid of us Mikaelsons angry, and endangered your daughter, my niece, Niklaus, what has gotten into you?"
I said" I- I don't know, Elijah. It's just- I don't know."
" Straighten yourself out, Niklaus, You risked the life of a child due to your anger."
" I know."
" Now go, reason with Kol and check on Rue."
I nodded then walked upstairs, I stopped at Rue's door hearing Kol tell her a bedtime story,
Kol said" There was once a king, he ruled over the land, strong and powerful. His daughter, the princess, was as wily as a fox but was super sweet and adorable. Well, the king made a terrible mistake, making the princess really angry with the king. So the king asked for forgiveness but the princess being so angry at her father, she didn't grant him it. So the king tried again and again, till finally the little princess realized her family was forever and always her family, the king was just being selfish and rude, but the princess forgave him."
Rue mumbled" I want a story about the knights."
" Well, how about we save that story for tomorrow night, princess, you're nearly asleep as we speak."

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