Chapter 5

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Kol's POV
Rue and I were now walking around after our candy shop adventure, she was behind me, chatting up a storm but then it went silent. I turned and saw she was staring at Damon Salvatore, he was staring back at her, I instantly pulled her to me and covered her eyes, she's human and a child, she's the easiest to compel. I glared at Damon, he smirked then I felt hands on my neck, I said" Rue, Run!" Then everything went black, dammit!

I woke up, anger seared through me and I stood up, but was instantly pulled down. I saw Damon Salvatore and Tyler Lockwood,
I screamed" Let me go or..."
Damon said" You won't do anything because your little, defenseless niece is here."
" Where is she?!"
" She's fine for now. Or we could change that if you try to escape, couldn't we, Tyler?"
Tyler said" Yeah."
Then he opened the door, I heard Rue crying, I instantly stopped all movement and listened to her heart beat, I had to protect this child. Her heart beat was fast, she's probably terrified to death.
I said" Okay, okay, just don't hurt her. She's only a child."
Damon said" And children hold the best secrets."
" Don't hurt her, she knows nothing."
" Yeah, sure. She lives with your family, she's bound to have heard something."

Rue's POV
I was sitting on a couch, my face covered with my hands and I'm crying, I want Uncle Kol and I want to go home. People were sitting around me, a guy said" Hey, we aren't going to hurt you, can you look at us?"
I said" No! You're vampires!"
" How much do you know about vampires?"
" Nothing!"
" Then how do you know we're vampires?"
" Because humans aren't stupid enough to mess with Mikaelsons! Like my daddy and uncles and aunt."
" We won't compel you, if that's what you mean." I peeked through my fingers, at a group of people, I whimpered. Then the guy looked at me," What else do you know about Vampires?"
" Nothing, I know nothing."
" All we want is to know what else you know, then you can leave." Then another guy walked in,
He said" Kol finally stopped, did we get anything out of her?"
" No."
" Fine, let's take her down to where Kol is, he'll get hungry soon." He grabbed my arm tightly then dragged me to my uncle Kol, he threw me into a tiny room and I saw Uncle Kol. He locked the door,
I said" Uncle Kol, I'm scared."
He said" Its okay, everything's gonna be okay, your dad's gonna find us and he's gonna rescue us. Just like the Beast from your story, huh?" I nodded," Then we'll go home and watch Beauty and the Beast, and eat cake and peanut butter sandwiches. How does that sound?"
" Good." Then it started getting really cold, I started shaking,
" Come'er, you'll freeze." I crawled to him," They've chained me down. I can't hold you but you can cuddle into my side, okay?"
" Okay, Uncle Kol." I cuddled into his side, shaking, it just got colder and colder, I sneezed and shivered.

The door opened,
Uncle Kol said" I get that you don't like our family, but are you really going to be so monstrous to let a young child die?"
A guy said" What?"
" It's freezing down here, I'm a vampire, I can't get sick nor die, but she can. Her lips are turning blue, and her heart beat is lowering, she's going to die soon."
" Just use your blood."
" My blood can't warm her, Stefan, it can heal her, but not warm her. She's freezing to death."
" Then you better tell her to tell us what she knows."
" She doesn't know anything! She's a 7 year old child that only cares for cartoons and cupcakes, what don't you understand about that?!"
I mumbled" Uncle Kol, 'm sleepy." I heard the door close," I'm really sleepy." My eyes started to close, my head flopped to the side.
" No, no, no. Little one, you can't go to sleep just yet, your dad will be here soon, I promise."

Kol's POV
They didn't care, and they call us monsters, they're willing to kill an innocent little girl, for some information that she doesn't even have. I looked down to see Rue slowly loosing consciousness,
I said" No, no, no. Little one, you can't go to sleep just yet, your dad will be here soon, I promise."
She muttered" P-Pinky p-p-promise, W'ncle Kol?"
" Pinky Promise, Rue."
The longer we were down here, the harder it was to keep Rue awake, now she was just barely awake, I knew I couldn't keep her up any longer. It hurt to see her like this, it hurt a lot, I looked down to see her finger tips and lips a shade of blue. Her body was severely shaking but now it's stopped, it's given up on surviving.
I said" Rue, what's your favorite lullaby?"
She mumbled" Beauty, Beast."
" If I sing that will you go to sleep?" I teared up, knowing well, that if she went to sleep, she might not wake up.
Her little head nodded a bit, she's too weak to speak now," Tale as old as time, Tune as old as song, oh Bitter-sweet and strange. Finding you can change. Learning you were wrong Certain as the sun Rising in the east,
Tale as old as time, Song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Beast.-"
I stopped as she fell asleep, I choked back a cry, then looked away from her, I breathed heavily. They're going to pay for this.
Her heart was still beating, only slightly, but it was still beating, I looked at her, I hope she'll be alright. The door opened, Stefan, Damon and Tyler came in,
Stefan said" What happened to her?"
I said" She's asleep."
Damon said" Has she cared to say anything?"
" Once again... she knows nothing at all."
" Yeah, right. We don't believe you. Tyler, do what we came down here for." Tyler bit my arm, I hissed and glared at them, I'm going to rip each of their hearts out and enjoy it.
Stefan said" Now, Tyler's a hybrid, you're gonna hallucinate, and we all know how violent those get." His eyes trailed to Rue,
I said" You call the Mikaelson's monsters but look at you, risking the life of an innocent and young child for your own part, even a Mikaelson wouldn't harm a child, especially this young."
Damon said" She's better off dead than with the Mikaelson family."
I glared at him," Just unchain me so I can hold her, I won't even try to escape."
" Fine." They unchained me then walked out, locking the door, I lifted Rue into my arms and kissed her head.
I whispered" You'll be okay, Rue, Everything will be just alright."

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