Chapter 15

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Klaus' POV
I walked into Rue's room to return her story journal, I stopped as I saw she was asleep, I smiled then walked to her, kissing her head,
I whispered" Sleep well, Little one."
I put the journal onto her desk and then walked out.
Kol was walking upstairs with a blood bag in his hands, He said" Is she asleep?"
I said" Yes, Why?"
" Because I can hear her heartbeat from the blood storage."
" Nightmare?"
" Probably."
" Should I go wake her?"
" No, she'll wake up on her own term when she wants to."
" She tells you things she doesn't even tell me, does she like it here?"
" 'course she does, Nik, she's just not used to change, give her some time to get used to it here."
" I know, but..."
" No. She's not quite used to being in a different room or house, or city, state. She just needs some time to adjust, and we need to make sure she is protected, after all, she's only human."
" Yes, we'll have to figure out a way to cast a spell."
" Or we can put the treaty in her name, no vampire can come in without being invited."
" I'll go do that."

Once morning arrived, I had changed the deed over to Rue and now she has to invite us in. I stood outside the door, watching her as she smiled Mischievously, then turned on her heel. Kol said" Let us in, Rue, it's not a game." We all looked at him," Sod off. Rue, darling, let me in, keep these losers out here, and we can go crazy with pranks."
Rue said" Nah, don't think so." She smiled," Aunt Rebekah, you can come in." Rebekah walked to her, and smiled at us," Now, were just gonna go look through old dresses and try on makeup, see you later!"
" You traitor! Rue!"
" Love You too, Uncle Kol."
" Let us in... if you love us."
" Oh, my god! Fine, come in, dad, uncles Kol and Elijah." We three walked in,
Rebekah pouted, saying" You boys ruin fun."
I said" Go have fun, we'll occupy ourselves for a few hours. Don't destroy the house, and Rue, don't get near glitter."
Rue said" What?! I'm 13, I can handle a bottle of glitter."
" Well... you a few months ago, didn't say that, and had glitter in your hair for a month."
" Touché, Dad, Touché." I smirked then smiled at her, as she huffed and pushed the three of us out. We left with hesitation, knowing well, if we left those two alone for a long period of time, a mess was bound to come.

Once we arrived back at the palace, the girls were dancing around, music as loud as they could get it and clothes all over the place.
I said" Rue and Rebekah Mikaelson!" They both walked out, with giant smiles on their faces," Want to explain this?"
Rue said" Well... we've lived with you three for our entire lives. And now we're having fun with makeup and dresses."
" You're 13, luv, you should be cleaning up after your messes."
" It's Fine, we'll clean it later."
" There's no where to step."
" You have super speed."
" You have a mess, and what is that all over your face?"
" Make up."
" Take It off, you're far too young for that."
" I'm 13."
" You're a child." Rebekah gave me that face, then Rue started crying, then she ran off.
Rebekah said" Good going, Nik. She wanted us alone so she could privately without vampire ears. She's started her first period. She was terrified, but luckily Aunt Bex had everything under control."
" Why didn't she just tell me herself?"
Kol said" Nik, are you that dumb? She's... she's your daughter, she particularly doesn't want to talk about that with her father. I'll go talk with her, Calm her down." He sped off, I looked at Rebekah,
She said" She's not mad, or sad even, her emotions are just everywhere. So I'm sending you and Elijah to the store to go get her things so you lot don't get things thrown at your heads." She handed us a list then Elijah nodded,
He said" We'll be back, soon." She nodded then we walked off, going back out, and to the store.

Kol's POV
I knocked on Rue's door,
I said" Rue, sweetheart, may I come in, please?"
She said" Yeah, Uncle Kol." I walked in and saw her wiping tears from her face, I walked to her and wiped her tears.
" So, Rebekah told us what's happened, it's horrible, isn't it? Does your stomach hurt?"
" Yeah, it's horrible, and yeah, my stomach hurts, it really hurts."
" I know, luv, but just remember it's only for a few days and then it's over for the rest of the month."
" It's still evil."
" I know, but look at it this way, you'll be eating whatever you crave, and you'll be able to stay in your bed, and cuddle into warmth."
" Yeah, that's true."
" So, I think Rebekah has sent Nik and Elijah to the store for your things and as soon as they're back. Your dad will cuddle with you and watch Disney movies, Alright?"
" Okay."
Once Nik came into the room, he smiled as he saw Rue had fallen asleep on my shoulder.
He said" Is she alright?"
I said" Yeah, she's fine. Her stomach hurts a lot, but other than that, she's perfectly fine."
" It smells weird in here."
" Yeah, that's her period, brother. It sucks, but deal with it, she needs you here now."
" I know."
I carefully moved and placed her head onto her pillows, I got up and she whined, reaching out for warmth, Nik quickly went to her aid and sat next to her. She cuddled into his side and stopped whining, He smiled and then wrapped an arm around her.
I whispered" Good luck, brother, she was rather grumpy when she fell asleep."
He whispered" Nothing I can't handle, seeing as she has my temper."
" Well... good luck." I walked out of the room and into my room.

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