Chapter 8

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Elijah's POV
Rue was laying her head on my shoulder, we were searching for Ester, but there was nothing.
I said" Rue, I think you should sleep." It's past her usual nap time,
She mumbled" No."
" Alright." I knew she would eventually tire out and fall asleep anyways." just don't tell your father that you didn't sleep while with me, okay?"
" Okay, Uncle Elijah."
I smiled, then rubbed her head, as I looked at the Mystic Falls map. Elena and Caroline walked in,
Elena said" There's no sign of them anywhere, not even Bonnie can do a locator spell."
Caroline said" Bonnie says they're cloaked, we only have tomorrow to find them."
" Have you found anything that could possibly tell us anything?"
I said" No. Now, I have to stop searching to care for my niece." I stood up, lifting Rue onto my hip, and started to walk.
Caroline said" We'll take care of her, we can't do anything." She smiled at Rue,
" Rue, can they care for you while I continue to look for your father?"
Rue said" Yeah, Uncle Elijah. I'll just scream if I need you."
" Okay, princess, go on." I put her down and she walked to Caroline and Elena. I sat back down, Niklaus would have hated this idea.

Rue's POV
Caroline smiled at me and we walked out of the house, away from Uncle
Elijah. It was scary but I knew he wouldn't think of something that would get me hurt.
Caroline said" Rue, are you hungry?" I nodded," Okay, we'll go stop at the Grille and get something to eat."
I said" Okay."

Once we got to the place she called the Grille, we walked in and sat down, Elena was on the phone. I looked at Caroline, She smiled at me then glanced at Elena. Then Tyler Lockwood sat on the other side of me, I jumped and slid further away from him. Caroline smiled at me, then our food came, Matt Donovan sat next to Elena. He said" Has Elijah found anything yet?"
Elena said" No. He's still looking, while we're watching Rue for the rest of the day."
" Okay."

After we ate, they sat on the benches in the square, I was playing with sticks. I looked at a building then saw Uncle Kol, I tilted my head then smiled. I said" Uncle Kol." I got up and started walking to him, he turned around and started walking, I frowned then followed him." Uncle Kol, come back, where we going?" I continued to follow behind him then we were in the woods. Uncle Kol disappeared, A man showed up,
He said" Hello, Rue Mikaelson. My name is Finn, and I need you to come with me."
" I don't know you."
" Well, of course you wouldn't, your father hates me, so does Kol, Elijah and Rebekah."
I started backing away, then I ran, going as fast as I could to get back to Elena and Caroline. My arm was grabbed and I was pulled back, I screamed" Elena! Caroline! Help me! Help me!"
A wolf ran to me and jumped onto Finn, He let go of me and I fell. I sat on the ground as the wolf growled in front of me, Finn backed away then disappeared, the wolf turned to me and grabbed my sleeve in its mouth, it was Tyler, I whimpered and pulled my knees up. He scares me.

Tyler's POV
I heard Rue screaming" Elena! Caroline! Help me! Help me!" I ran her way then turned into my wolf, I found her and saw one of the oldest Mikaelson brothers, Finn. I jumped on Finn, pushing him away from Rue then stood my ground in front of her, growling at him. Finn backed away then sped off, I turned to Rue, she was terrified. I carefully grabbed her sleeve then she whimpered and pulled her knees up. She's utterly terrified... I looked at her, tilting my head, I took a step to her and she crawled back, I took her sleeve into my mouth and then tugged gently. I tugged her hand so it touched my fur, I let go of her sleeve and then she pet my fur. She held onto my fur as I led her out of the forest and back into the town.
Jeremy was waiting at the forest's edge for me to return with or without Rue. Jeremy crouched down next to Rue, He said" Are you hurt? Who took you?"
Rue said" I want Uncle Elijah!" Jeremy gave me clothes and then I walked off.
Once I came back, Rue was still not talking, everyone had gathered around her. Jeremy said" Rue, who took you?"
I said" Finn Mikaelson did. I don't know how but he did."
" Rue, how did Finn get to you?"
She screamed" I want uncle Elijah!" I covered her mouth,
I said" We'll take you to Elijah if you tell us how Finn got you." I moved my hand,
She mumbled" He has Uncle Kol."
Bonnie said" An illusion, Ester made an illusion of Kol to get Rue."
I said" Well, maybe we can get to Finn by using Rue."
Elena said" Elijah would kill us."
" Elijah wants his family back, so we'll use Rue to get to Finn, capture Finn, and Elijah won't be mad." We all looked at Rue,
She said" No! You're scary!" Then took off running, everyone looked at me before Jeremy went after her. Elena said" Good going, Ty. She's a kid, she does get scared."
I said" I know, she's a kid."
" We have to find her before Finn does, or Elijah will kill us all."
" Let's just go find her." We started searching for Rue, Caroline was with me.
Once it got dark, Everyone met back up, no one had found her.
Elena said" Oh, my god. We're dead, Elijah is going to kill us."
Matt said" But I thought he didn't like killing..."
" This is his niece, she's a little girl, he doesn't care about us like he does her, he'll protect her at all cost."

Once we got back to the house, Elijah walked out, He said" Where is Rue? Elena, where is she?! Where is Rue?!" His eyes changed to their vampire selves, we all took a step back, then he hissed," Where is Rue?!"
I said" We lost her."
" How do you lose a child?!"
" I scared her and she ran into the woods, we've been looking all day."
" She's been missing for hours!"
" Yeah.."
" You, idiotic teenagers, you do not loose a child that was in your hands for the time."
" We know. We searched everywhere, she's gone."
" I will find her." Then he was gone, in a blink of an eye, Elena looked at me then we all sat around the map.

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