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The characters and plots that had already been established in the Harry Potter universe rightfully belong to J.K. Rowling.


The original characters and plots established in this book rightfully belong to me. Any attempt to republish this story without my consent is considered plagiarism, and any republication of this book is not allowed without my permission.

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do not
be ashamed
of the wars
your soul
has fought
to save

        Merope Gaunt took a lot of secrets to the grave, but Tom Riddle took it upon himself to unveil every last one of them, no matter the consequence or circumstance

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        Merope Gaunt took a lot of secrets to the grave, but Tom Riddle took it upon himself to unveil every last one of them, no matter the consequence or circumstance. The Riddle siblings had lived their lives in the shadows, unaware of the rich history surrounding their family and the major misfortunes that had marked it. Neither found it odd to get sorted into Slytherin House, for it was still unbeknown to them that their ancestry had greatly influenced the Sorting Hat's decision. But once they learned about their heritage and rightful title as heirs of Slytherin, the rest of the story began to unfold by itself. 

It had been difficult for them to learn all about their family's twisted dark secrets. To learn that Tom Riddle Sr. had been a muggle, and quite a disgraceful one, at that. That their mother had brought the greatest dishonor to her family simply by bringing them to life. But above all else, it was the learning of the fact they had been conceived under the use of a love potion that created an endless void in the already dark souls of the Riddles.

Their father had never loved their mother. Merope had kept him under the influence of the potion at all times, even after conceiving Tom. It wasn't until she was pregnant with her second child that Merope got tired of living a lie and chose to come clean to the love of her life, naively believing that the potion had altered the man's genuine feelings. Naively believing that he would never dare leave them. 

They were the picture-perfect family, after all. And Merope believed there was nothing else a man could possibly ask for. But she quickly learned she had been terribly wrong when Tom Riddle turned out to be not only horrified but downright disgusted by the mere sight of that family. And as the tale tells it, he left before Merope could mend her mistakes and falsely rekindle the love.

They arrived at Wool's orphanage on the night of August 14, where a five-year-old Tom watched with curiosity as his mother writhed with agony and pain. On the early hours of August 15, after hours of haunting screams and a concerning amount of blood loss, Alexis Delphini Riddle was born. 

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