• six

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there are stars you
haven't seen
and loves you haven't loved
there's light you haven't felt
and sunrises yet to dawn
there are dreams
you haven't dreamt
and days you haven't lived
and nights you won't forget
and flowers yet to grow
and there is more to you
that you have yet to

there are stars youhaven't seenand loves you haven't loved there's light you haven't feltand sunrises yet to dawnthere are dreamsyou haven't dreamtand days you haven't livedand nights you won't forgetand flowers yet to growand there is more to you...

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"I cannot believe you have an invisibility cloak!" Alexis removed the fabric from over her body to reveal her mesmerized expression. The pair were already on their way to Hogsmeade and the cloak was no longer needed since they had already walked past an unsuspecting Filch. "No wonder you guys are so good at pranks."

James smirked down at her, "we're the kings of pranks, the cloak is just a bonus."

"The self-proclaimed kings," she muttered teasingly. "Where did you say the boys went off to?"

"The Owl Post Office," with his hands buried in his pockets, the lad walked alongside the significantly shorter witch, attempting to conceal his suddenly fidgety behaviour. "Remus forgot today's his father's birthday, so he needed to buy a gift and send it to him as soon as possible. We'll meet them at the Three Broomsticks."

She simply nodded and kept her silence for the upcoming five seconds before finally voicing her doubt, "is that a restaurant or—"

"Merlin!" He stopped dead on his tracks and turned to stare at her with wide eyes. "This is her first time going to Hogsmeade, of course," he muttered to himself before reaching for her hand and pulling her along, increasing their pace as they walked. "Come on, quick! I got so much to show you!"

Picturesque buildings decorated the cosy-looking streets they walked through, creating a scenery that was unlike anything Alexis had ever seen before. It angered her to think this village had been constantly visited by her schoolmates while she only ever saw it whenever she had to briefly stop by Hogsmeade Station. James knew exactly what their first destination was going to be, however, there was a small inconvenience Alexis had to voice through her embarrassment. "James, I didn't—uh—I didn't bring any money to buy any of this," she gestured at the stack of candy the boy had been animatedly collecting.

James threw his head back with a laugh, amused by her concern. "This is all on me, love, don't worry."


"Don't worry," he insisted, "besides, I'm known for making first times memorable." Alexis had little to no knowledge about James Potter, however, his self-inflating humour was a commonly known trait of the guy, and it amused Alexis immensely. She enjoyed his egocentric comments that she knew were made with light-hearted intentions.

Little Riddle | James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now