• forty nine

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Loving you was
The most
Exquisite form
Of self

Loving you wasThe mostExquisite formOf selfDestruction

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"You and Sirius would make a lovely couple. You're both dramatic as hell."

Remus groaned, walking ahead of Alexis after having exited the library. "You don't get it! I can't just develop feelings for him and then suddenly this will all turn into some cliche love story where everything works out because of fate or whatever. It's more complicated than that, Lex."

"How so?"

He sighed, looking down at his hands with uneasiness before speaking up in a soft voice. "Just because I like him doesn't mean that it's right."

"Remus, there's nothing wrong with being confused about your sexua--"

"It's not that," he interrupted her, running his hands over his face in exasperation. "I'm bisexual, big deal. I just don't know where my head--where my heart is."

"You're making this far more complica--"

Alexis was once again interrupted mid-sentence, this time by a third voice belonging to the Ravenclaw girl who was trudging towards them. "Hi Remus," Catherine beamed, placing a kiss in the boy's cheek before turning to greet Alexis. "Hey Lexi, I'm glad to see you're okay."

Alexis looked at the two people standing in front of her with utter bewilderment, taking a few seconds to scrutinize his hand on her waist and hers on his shoulder. "You two--" she pointed her finger at them, "--you two are talking again?"

Remus cleared his throat. "Well -- you see -- after Josh took Marion the entire school went on a frenzy, so Catherine decided to stop by the Gryffindor Tower to check on us but we were already pissed drunk by then," he paused to give Alexis a knowing look, "so the boys decided to go up to our dorm and I stayed behind with her."

"We just chatted the night away," added Catherine, a light pink blush creeping up her cheeks, making Remus chuckle at her embarrassment which earned him a playful shove from the girl. "Anyway, I need to get going. See you around?" Her gaze was set on Remus as she walked backwards, receiving a nod as an answer before turning on her heel and continuing her way.

Alexis stood on the side, watching the entire encounter with the overbearing awkwardness of being a third-wheel. She took a couple of seconds to fully assess the situation, pursing her lips and rocking back and forth on her feet. "You kissed Sirius and then spent the night with Catherine." She commented in a firm but high-pitched voice, still looking in the direction Catherine had gone off to.

Remus nodded, his gaze also set on the now empty corridor. "And we did more than just chat." Alexis scrunched her face but still kept the same body language throughout. She now understood why Remus' situation was much more complicated but couldn't help but find the entire ordeal amusing and a tad bit comical, and the small grin playing on her lips expressed that. "And the problem is," he turned to look at her, "I don't regret doing either."

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