• nine

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Kiss her. Slowly, take your time, there's no place you'd rather be. Kiss her like you've forgotten any other mouth that your mouth has ever touched. Kiss her with a curious childish delight. Laugh into her mouth, inhale her sighs. Kiss her until she moans. Kiss her like she's the brightest thing you've ever seen. Take your time. Kiss her like the first and only piece of chocolate you're ever going to taste. Kiss her until she forgets how to count. Kiss her stupid. Kiss her silent. Come away, ask her what 2+2 is and listen to her say your name in answer.

 Come away, ask her what 2+2 is and listen to her say your name in answer

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"Why were you avoiding me?" Was a question James had been dreading, yet it was inevitable for Alexis to ask

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"Why were you avoiding me?" Was a question James had been dreading, yet it was inevitable for Alexis to ask. His embarrassment served as amusement for her as she observed the way his gaze shifted from the sky above to the grounds below, purposely avoiding her.

"I wasn't avoiding you," James feigned shock although he was well aware of what she was referring to.

"You were hiding in a broom closet because it's a fun activity, then?" She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and a teasing grin adorning her lips.

"Oh, Merlin," he threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut just as a groan escaped his lips. "You saw that?"

"Of course I saw that. You're not a particularly silent person," his suddenly shy demeanour only fueled Alexis' teasing seeing as the girl was loving every bit of his sheepish smiles and scarlet cheeks. "You jumped in as soon as I turned the corner. I just kept walking to spare you the embarrassment."

"Well, my stunt at potions earlier was absolutely ridiculous," he covered his face with his hands, attempting to hide the heat that was spreading through them.

She had to cover her mouth with her hands to muffle her laughter, "that was truly something else. I'm just glad you didn't faint."

"Fainting would've been less embarrassing," he muttered, still unable to look her in the eye.

Understanding that he found his stunt during Potions humiliating, Alexis decided to change the topic to save James from further embarrassment. And so, the conversation swiftly turned into a rant about some of the staff's negligence and Filch's creepy tendencies, a topic Alexis seemed to feel very strongly about. James stared at her with a glint in his eyes, and he wondered how on earth had he never noticed her before. But that didn't matter now, because now she was there, engraved in his brain and endlessly capturing his attention, sitting by his side on the top of the Astronomy Tower, late at night with the stars and the moon as their only source of lighting. And she looked absolutely breathtaking, making him laugh at the irony of how a face he never really cared for before now looked like the most intricate work of art to him.

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