• Where there used to be trees

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She was the sound of glass shattering--the sharp ringing in your ears. The perpetual motion of a spinning ballerina trapped inside a music box. The sad, tinny tune of La Vie en rose.

She was the zig-zag in your straight line. The absence in your direction. She was every turn you took when racing through a hedge maze, against the setting sun.

She was the tide that came in and out, like the breath of the wounded. She was the blood that flowed between heart and head.

She was the book that was not written. The sentence that was not scripted. She was the word you wished you could have said.

-Lang Leav

The End: Part 1 of 4

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The End: Part 1 of 4

Neither wanted this. Neither wanted to stand face to face, wands in hand, hearts on their sleeve. But this is what it inevitably came down to. This encounter had been arranged by the universe and schemed by fate. Every event and every circumstance they'd lived through had led them to this very moment. They'd been unknowingly preparing for that fateful night their entire lives, and in retrospective all of the memories the siblings had shared were becoming an obstacle they had to overcome.

Alexis and Tom Riddle had never been on the same team, regardless of how hard they'd tried to meet halfway. It was inevitable for them to stand opposing the other, attempting to put a stop to the other's doings once and for all. Tom was war. Despite the poor and one-sided portrayal he fell victim to, there was no denying his ways and methods were macabre to say the least, and despite the big space he occupied in his sister's heart, that did not make him worthy of mercy. Alexis was peace. She had longed for it for so long she eventually became it, understanding that such serenity could only be accomplished by searching for the good and the love in the world and holding on to it, understanding that in order to reach her goal she had to put an end to war.

They'd both had enough, after all. Tom had dedicated too much of his life to the Dark Arts, to immortality, it unequivocally became his purpose, leading him to commit acts far past forgiveness to achieve it. And Alexis was tired, there was nothing more to it. She wanted to feel free for once. Free of everyone else's burdens weighting her down, free of a life with no stability and no peace. She wanted to grow, to love. She wanted nothing more than to have the opportunity of a promising future. A future that would flash before her eyes on her very last breaths, that would bring a smile to her face for the last time, and that would fill her with joy because she had lived a good life.

She looked at her brother through the tears that were steadily blurring her vision, and he looked back, and although there were no tears in his eyes she could see it, this was breaking him as much as it was breaking her. She could see it, the images of their past selves, haunting him, making his hands turn shaky and his breath unsteady. She could see it, the pain.

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