• die Veränderung der Jahreszeiten

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(the changing of the seasons)

if you were born with
the weakness to fall
you were born with
the strength to rise

if you were born withthe weakness to fallyou were born with the strength to rise

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The End: Part 2 of 4

September 1st rolled around faster than anyone could register it. All they knew was that the Hogwarts Express was now waiting for them on Platform 9 3/4 like it had done every year for the past six years. There was something different now though, something that was far too notorious to ignore. More than just the nostalgia of knowing this was their last year of rushing to King's Cross Station in the morning of the very first day of September to take the train to Hogwarts, it was inevitable for the five students to note that they were two people short.

Summer had been indescribably amazing. Having spent almost every minute attached to the hip, the group had created an unimaginable amount of memorable stories to tell for years to come. From the road trips to getting arrested, they had certainly managed to make the best of their situations. But two months was not nearly enough time to get full closure after having suffered such a sudden and deeply felt loss, so when Remus asked to have a minute before departing to the train station everyone quietly exited the room and pretended to not hear his soft sniffs and quiet whimpers.

Although they claimed the mere thought of Peter infuriated them, the three boys all silently grieved the betrayal of the guy they had once considered their brother. His motives remained unknown but it would be naive of them to pretend they were completely clueless. But even then, even if they tried to comprehend the reasoning behind his actions, they found themselves unable of finding sympathy for him, let alone forgiveness.

The five people stepped inside the train with mixed emotions tormenting them each individually. It was bittersweet to say the least. They wanted to enjoy it, to relish the moment because it was the very last time they were going to experience it, and they knew that in exactly one year from then they were all going to be wishing they found themselves in the crowd of students, making their way through the mayhem of owls and first years.

But they were scared. Returning to the castle that had witnessed such traumatic events made them feel uneasy. They wanted nothing more than to let their guard down, to enjoy the moment, but their previous joys had always been short lived and now they were skeptical.

It didn't come as a surprise to see Ivy was the one trying to lift everyone's spirits. A truly remarkable and honorable thing to do, because it wasn't only Remus who lost his girlfriend that night, Ivy lost her best friend. For the past six years, Ivy and Catherine had shared much more than just a dormitory, and a loss like that took longer than just two months to heal. "I have an announcement to make," she stated with a firm voice, breaking the silence that had taken over the compartment, and managing to capture everyone's attention. "This year I will attempt to become an animagus. I feel left out of the club."

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