Chapter 17 - Robin

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“I don’t know.”

He didn’t know what I was really thinking, he didn’t know that I was wondering what had happened.  For me, everything just went completely black.  I only had one confusing thought before I was out: I want him.  I don’t get it, why would I think that?

I mean, where did it even come from?

It wasn’t even that little voice in my head, it was someone else’s.  I don’t even know whose!  What’s going on?  What about his fear would make him want to not tell me anything?  Was it really that bad?

What am I doing?  Maybe it’s just embarrassing, or maybe he just doesn’t want to talk about it, some traumatizing moment he wants to leave behind.  Yeah, that’s probably it.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, letting my Magics spread out around me.  I knew what everything here looked like, how it was structured, where everyone was.  Crystal and Charlie had escaped—I couldn’t find them anywhere—and Fate and Ross were being held in a cell not that far away.  I saw a few more people, all separated.  Fate and Ross were the only ones connected at the moment, and they probably don’t have very long.  The Head wasn’t anywhere to be seen.  I opened my eyes after memorizing where everyone was and put my hand on the lock, concentrating…

And it snapped off.

“We have to leave,” I said, turning to William. “Now.

“Is it safe?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said. “He isn’t here, and I know where the others are.”

“Lead the way, then.”

I opened the door and jogged down the path, not wanting to run because of my cut.  It was now only minor, but it still hurt some.  William kept pace beside me, turning the same way I did and not questioning where we were going.  I rounded one last bend and was met by a small room like ours, but it had two cells instead of three.  I went to the one on the far end and was met by two faces I knew well: Fate and Ross.

“Hey, guys,” I said, putting my hand on the lock and concentrating again, it breaking off into my grasp within heartbeats.

“How’d you escape?” Fate asked, walking through the doors.

“There was a piece of broken glass in our cell,” I said. “William found it and cut us loose.”

She stepped out into the light, and I could see her more clearly now.  There was a scratch on her cheek that was bleeding and her light gray dress was ripped in a few places, fear in her eyes.

“You fell asleep,” I whispered.  I looked to Ross, who looked just as battered. “You both fell asleep.”

Fate nodded, and Ross’s hand was covering his arm just above the elbow, he was probably bleeding.  I raised my hand and focused on the cloth wrapped around their hands, and when the faint pain had ceased I opened my eyes to see it was gone, and their hands were free.

“Thanks,” they both said, rubbing their wrists.

“Of course,” I said. “We’ll fix the cuts later, but right now we just need to get out of here.”

We all turned and headed out, everyone following me since I’m the only one who knows where to go, running now.  I took two lefts and a right, and soon we were in a big room with countless cells on one side and a bed on the other.  I ran over to Alex’s and made the lock break, then opened the door and he ran out.

“We’re escaping, then?” he asked, and I nodded, going to a few of the other cells filled with people I don’t know and setting them free.

“Don’t go far,” I told them when they tried to head for the way out. “I know the way.”

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