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Darkness creeping in from nowhere.  Fear washing over me, then disappearing.

It’s all her fault, she is the reason I am here.  I just want to go far, far away, somewhere I can kill her.  And she has no chance of survival.  The Evil One must send me back, must let me get my revenge.  He should understand just how much it is needed, how much it burns.  He knows what it feels like, he must send me back.

“You failed me,” I heard him say, his deep voice ringing out into the nothingness.

“I know,” I said. “But you must send me back.”

“You do not tell me what to do!” he shouted, and I cringed from the sound.

“I do not, Evil One,” I said. “But I wish you’d let me go for vengeance.”

He seemed to ponder over that. “Why do you deserve such a gift?”

“Because I will bring others to you as well, and when I win, her soul shall go to you,” I said.

“I could send anyone,” he said, “and there are many better than you.”

“But do they seek what I do?” I questioned. “Do they want to kill her as badly?  I think not, they’d just bring you useless souls.  I can bring you the next Three.”

“The next Three are unknown!” he shouted. “How could you possibly get them, if they are not known by even I?”

“I will kill every girl, and give you their souls,” I said. “And the Robin girl that killed me, she is powerful.  I can get you that power.”

“She is no more powerful then every other girl on that cursed planet!” he yelled. “Why would I send you to get her when she is not special?”

“She was blessed by the Creator, healed when weak,” I said. “And her magic was returned after being taken and trapped, there has to be some sort of great power inside of her.”

He hesitated, turning everything over in his head. “And if I gave you lives, would you kill others before and after her?”

“Yes, Evil One.”

“Then it is granted, like a cat you shall have nine lives.  Every time you die, you shall be reborn nine times.  But, once your final one is taken, I will grant no more.  You have as much time as it takes, but I will be expecting souls.  If they stop coming…well, let’s just say that your stay will be cut short.”

I swallowed, but smirked to hide the little bit of nervousness. “Thank you, Evil One.”


A/N: So hey, y'all.  I hope you enjoyed that ending, and I have decided to make a second.  I'm not going to put it up yet, coz I'm evil, but it will be up eventually.  Please do tell me what you think's gonna happen in it, I'd like to know what's goin' through you guys' minds.  Well, concerning the book anyway...SO, the word to mention is 'Warriors' coz I love those books...every single one.  Except for 'Warriors: Omen of the Stars: The Last Hope'.  That ending was AWFUL!  It made me cry!!!  For all you Warriors fans, you'll know what I'm talking about...anyway, I hope you enjoyed this 'end'.  But it's only the beginning...

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~Stay cwawesome!

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