Chapter 18 - Robin

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The tunnels shook as all I saw was every scrape and bruise he’s ever given me.  All the pain, all the hurt I’ve kept hidden inside for so long.  All the fear we all went through, just the look on Fate’s face right now made me want to rip the darkened heart right out of his chest.  He didn’t deserve to win, he shouldn’t be able to keep us hostage just because we have Magics.

This has to stop.


Rocks and dust fell from the ceiling as I ran in the room holding my friends and some strangers captive.  In one swift motion they were free, the ropes lying on the floor along with the chains that had held Crystal and Charlie to the wall.  I went over to see if they were okay, my anger cooling down for about two seconds.

I could see it in their eyes, what he had done.

But, of course, in their movements as well.  They stood carefully, wincing with every move they made.  I could already see the scars, the same ones I bore on my back.

He had whipped them.

How I hadn’t heard their screams, I had no idea, but he had gotten away with it at the time nonetheless.  He would only resort to that whenever he was really angry, and I’m sure that he was.  They had almost escaped, and if it wasn’t for his stupid fake-door thing, they would’ve gotten away.  If there hadn’t been a lock, anyway.  But they hadn’t gotten away, and were forced to be chained to a wall, why did he have to do this to them? I could see the leather that had hit my back so many times; it hurt so much I didn’t sleep for days because my scarred skin couldn’t touch the bed without aching.

I exhaled heavily as I felt the place coming down around me, turning back to see the door was closed.  I simply walked up to it and my emotions took hold of my Magics; the door flew off its hinges, the guys behind me parting so they wouldn’t get hit by it.  The Head and William both gave me a shocked look, but I didn’t even care.  All I saw was red.

“What.  The.  Heck,” I said, scarily quiet.  Even the Head knew that I would kill him then and there for what he had done.  And I had Magics on my side, given to me naturally.  They must be stronger than his stolen ones, I mean; I can conjure up what no other girl can.

He gave me a half-hearted smirk. “Don’t act like you could beat me, little girl, you aren’t nearly as powerful as me.”

I took a deep breath, sliding my tongue over my teeth.  I could feel every edge, every point, every gap.  The slight pain gave me something else to think about, but the tunnels wouldn’t quit shaking.  I hate him, I hate what he’s done, I hate what he’s made our lives.  He ruined them.  He deserves to die.

I was shocked that I could think that, how I had become like him in that one part.  I can’t kill him, I can’t become that.  Him.  He is not the Head, no.  He never will be.  He may be the head of the orphanage, but he will not run my life, never again.  He cannot decide on who gets punished how, nor how much someone should hurt.

Who should die.

I summoned up all that I have, all that’s inside me, and put us both out, into a dream only we could see.  But if one of us died in here, we would die out there as well.  It’s like my joint dream with William, only here I hold control.  Not my fears.  Not Him.  Me.

He looked around, only to see nothing but a small gray room. “Where are we?”

“Somewhere we can fight without any interruptions,” I told him. “I don’t care what you do to me, but no one else will get hurt.”

He smirked. “What makes you think I’ll never bring pain to another?” he asked. “I’ll just kill you, and then all will go back to normal.”

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