:Chapter Three:

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                The school week breezed on by easily, and by Saturday, Harry Styles was knocking on my hotel door. My mom had left earlier to go to the gym, promising she’d stop by the grocery store on her way home. That meant there was a good three or four hour time frame before she got back home, which was easily filled by Harry showing up at my door.

                “What are you doing here?” I questioned, slightly self-conscious in the bun on the top of my head and pajamas.

                Harry shrugged, saying, “The lads aren’t around.”

                Glancing at the clock, I said, “It’s only eleven in the morning.”


                I sighed, turning around and walking back into the family room to let him inside. As I sat down on the couch, he bound over to me, sitting down beside me and turned on the TV. Absentmindedly, Harry flipped through the channels, stopping at a random sitcom program.

                After a few minutes, Harry questioned, “So, what are you wearing to the party?”

                I glanced at him with a shrug. “I don’t know. Why?”

                “Can I help?”

                Before I could answer, Harry was running to my room. Eyes wide, I tripped over myself to get up and chase after him, bursting into my room yelping, “Styles!”

                Harry turned around from my newly unpacked dresser with a pair of way too short-shorts from last year and very low vee-neck tank top in his hands. He glanced at me innocently; three of my drawers already open behind him, spewing out different clothes.

                My eyes narrowed. “Seriously?”

                Harry grinned triumphantly, lowering the clothes in his hands as he said, “Sit on the bed and let me be your party stylist.”

                I rolled my eyes, thinking, this should be good. I sat down on my bed and watched as Harry tore through the closet and dresser, taking out every slutty piece of clothing I own. I think the only thing that wasn’t slutty was the dress he pulled out of my closet – until he told me that we’d have to cut it so it’d be shorter.

                When he was finally done, my room was a mess, and I now knew which clothes I should probably never let my mom see me wear. Finally, Harry turned towards me, grinning wickedly as he shoved short shorts and a two-sizes-too-tight shirt into my arms, excitement in his eyes. Silently, he let himself out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

                I rolled my eyes again, throwing the clothes on the bed and yanking the door open. “I am not dressing like a slut for my first party here.”

                Harry threw his arms in the air. “Why didn’t you tell me that before?”

                “You didn’t give me much of a choice!”

                “Whatever.” He mumbled.

                I sighed, rolling my eyes for a third time. “Come on, how about we agree on something? Not too slutty, though.”

                Harry’s eyes lit up as he nodded, following me back into my bedroom. In the end, we chose a leopard print crop top and a pair of denim short shorts. Harry even went the extra mile in telling me that my hair should be curled because it ‘looks quite sexy in curls’. I ended up agreeing to the hair bit after crushing his idea that I should just wear a sports bra to the party with the shorts.

Chemistry [One Direction: Harry Styles Romance]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon