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"I know we only met but let's pretend it's love," Harry sung in my ear. "Tonight let's get some... and live while we're young."

I smiled, glancing up at him. "I love that song."

My boyfriend smiled at me, "I know you do."

We were cuddling on his couch on the first summer night together, happy as could be. We've been together for over five months now, and every kiss he gives me still feels like the first, leaving butterflies to roam in my stomach. I think that's what love is supposed to feel like; being constantly happy with the person you're with, trusting them with all your heart...

And there's more, too. But the second 'love' popped into my mind, I was brought back to the day three months ago that my boyfriend told me that he loved me.

I yawned into Harry's neck, nuzzling my face further into it with my eyes closed. Underneath me, he was relaxed, but something seemed to be bugging him... if it was possible, I'm pretty sure Harry Styles seemed nervous.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, half asleep in his warm embrace.

My body was half covering his, and we were on his bed in his and Niall's place. Niall was out - orders given from Harry - while we were here at two o'clock in the morning, innocently in bed together. I felt so comfortable around him, and our bodies fit together perfectly... a feeling that would never get old.

Harry hummed, "Fawn."

I turned my head so I could look at him, but my eyes slid shut once more from tiredness. "Hm?"

There was a pause.

"You're my everything," My boyfriend finally said, and a sleepy smile graced my face. "Every time you smile, I smile. Every day I just try to make you laugh because you look so happy and adorable when you laugh, and I know that I caused it. I try to make you as happy as I possibly can. What I'm trying to say is, I love you."

My eyes flung open, and the words he just said replayed in my head like a beautiful melody that I never wanted to end. I love you, I love you.

The words slipped right off my tongue. "I love you too, Harry."

He kissed me.

"What are you thinking about?" My boyfriend brought me back into reality, and I just kind of smiled.

"Nothing," I said nonchalantly.

Harry looked at me in disbelief, but didn't comment on it. I grinned wider and kissed him, climbing out of his arms and sitting in front of him cross-legged, raking my hand through my hair. Glancing at the bedside clock, I noticed it was only three thirty in the afternoon, which reminded me what we were doing this afternoon.

We were going over to Zayn's for a barbeque - everyone was going. Niall, Harry, me, Perrie, Liam, Danielle, Louis, and Eleanor. I was excited to go see them all again and have a few burgers while I was at it. Niall was still the only single one, but I found out that he actually liked it that way - leave it to Niall to not want to be tied down by anything other than food.

Harry's phone rang and he groaned, sitting up as well and reaching over me to grab it. Looking at the screen, he cringed, and I tried to see the name sprawled across it before he pressed answer and put it up to his ear. Instead of saying hello, like a normal person, he said in an annoyed tone: "What do you want?"

A high pitched voice on the other end greeted him back.


My eyes narrowed somewhat instinctively as he listened to whatever she had to say before he barked "No" back at her and tossed his phone on the bed, call ended. My brow raised in suspicion and I was brought back to the moment five months ago, outside the hotel, when my ex-best friend reminded Harry about some sort of offer.

And, like it had two weeks after the ordeal, the memory stuck to my mind as I asked: "What did she want?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "To remind me she's single."

I started laughing.

"She's so stupid." I said, shaking my head. "But, um...." I hesitated, "Did she say anything about 'the offer'?"

He looked at me, confusion written in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

I bit my lip. "Before she left, she said: 'the offer is still on the table'."

The memory dawned on Harry, and his eyebrows knit in confusion at me. "How do you remember that?" But then, he added: "The offer was that she could be my booty call whenever I needed... sex."

I cringed.

Maybe I didn't want to know the offer, after all.

Like he sensed I didn't like it, Harry Styles pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. "Babe, I obviously would never take her up on it. I have everything I want right here in my arms."

"I love you," I whispered against his lips, kissing him softly.

"I'm never going to get tired of hearing that." He grinned. "I love you too."


YES, THIS IS THE END. I didn't want to have this story go on forever because personally i HATE 70 chapter stories repeating the same old kind of drama, you know? i like keeping mine short (:

hopefully you liked it, pleasepleaseplease comment what you think.

vote because now i only have one story left: Around the World {A Liam Payne Romance}

Thank you LostDreamer26 for my awesome cover!

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