:Chapter Sixteen:

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                “She throws up whatever she eats,” Harry rapped along with the song, making wild hand gestures. “Leaves the bathroom with a nose bleed.”

                I laughed, singing along, “She is, nine-oh-two-one-oh.”

                He laughed too, turning the song down as we stopped dancing around his apartment that he shares with Louis. All the guys – except for Niall – were currently over since it was only noon. Niall was still at school considering Harry and I had skipped due to the whole elevator thing – and I knew it wasn’t good for Harry’s attendance record.

                He leaves early half the school days to record the new album and even go to a venue to rehearse songs for a show. And now we’ve missed countless days of this school year together, which probably endangers his eligibility to graduate. Of course though, this was Harry Styles, and he would find a way.

                “Fawn,” Zayn Malik groaned from the couch. “Can you make me some food?”

                I made a face at him. “Why me?”

                Louis chimed, “You’re a girl.”

                I paused, looking around the room at all of them with raised brows. “You guys should not go there. I’m not making anyone food just because I’m a girl. You make me food.”

                “I will,” Harry volunteered.

                Everyone laughed except me, muttering something I couldn’t quite catch. I smiled at him, clearly confused, and I swear I saw a blush rise to his cheeks as he got up and shuffled to the kitchen. All the guys glanced at me with smirks, and I raised my brows in confusion and curiosity.

                “What?” I questioned, and then grew self-conscious. “Is there something on my face?”

                Louis shook his head and chuckled, “He’s whipped.”

                Liam hit him on the arm, giving him a look as he mumbled, “Shut it unless you want him to attack you with his curls.”

                I sighed, my curiosity dying down when I realized not only were they not going to tell me, but I didn’t really care to know. A few minutes later, Harry came out of the kitchen with a sandwich stuffed in his mouth and a bag of chips for me. He threw them at me then collapsed on the seat beside me, everyone paying attention to the TV again.

                A minute passed before I asked out of boredom, “Is this what you guys do all day?”

                Liam shook his head. “This is our first free day in a while.”

                “And why are we spending it here, again?” Louis chimed in, glancing around the room as a wicked smirk spread across his lips. “Let’s do something fun.”

                “Fun is another word for illegal,” I warned.

                Louis rolled his eyes, “In your vocabulary.”

                I shrugged, “True.”

                “Let’s go to Nandos and then round the cinema.” Zayn suggested, and then paused. “Never mind, that sounds like a date.”

                We laughed, trying to come to a conclusion as to what we should do with our day. In the end, Louis, Liam, and Zayn ditched us to go hang out with their girlfriends, and Harry and I were left alone with nothing to do. Taking a deep breath, I rest my head on his shoulder, wondering what would be fun for the day.

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