:Chapter Thirteen:

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                “Harry,” I murmured, yawning as my eyes drooped. “Harry.”

                He chuckled, and I felt him glance down at me. “You’re falling asleep, Fawn. Stay up.”

                I groaned, and then rolled off of his chest so I would no longer be compelled to shut my eyes and fall asleep. It was currently four thirty in the morning and at this stage, my earlier hyper-ness had worn off and Niall was passed out on the couch since three.

                “Let’s play a game then.” I said, forcing myself to sit up and look at Harry’s messy curls. “Your curls are messed up, Styles.”

                Harry chuckled, “Your hair isn’t intact either.”

                I yawned again, “Usually I’d take offense to that, but I don’t really care right now.”

                He smiled at me, not saying anything else. I furrowed my brow, wondering why he was just smiling at me with some really gorgeous sparkle in his eyes. My stomach fluttered with butterflies as I bit my lip, raising my brows.

                “Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked.

                He shrugged, “You’re even cute when you yawn.”

                Harry blinked, obviously surprised at himself for saying that. Knowing it was just a slip-up, I smiled through my butterflies and waved it off with a joke.

                “You’re cute at four thirty in the morning too, curls.” I teased with a wink.

                “I’m always cute,” Harry gloated.

                “Someone’s ego needs to be seriously deflated.”

                “You like it.”

                “You’re crazy.”

                Harry chuckled, and I groaned again. I wanted to sleep but I wanted to stay up all night even more, so I just stayed awake by widening my eyes and staring at the floor. I don’t know, maybe it’ll work. But then I heard a laugh, and looked up to see Styles chuckling at me, clearly finding amusement from my weirdness.

                “I have an idea!” I chirped, jumping up and looking at Niall on the couch. “Let’s wake up the Irishman and play a game.”

                He raised his brow. “The only kind of game he’ll want to play is a drinking game.”

                I gasped, “Let’s play beer pong!”

                “There’s not enough people here to play beer pong, love.” Harry brushed the idea off, but I frowned, wanting to do something that would wake me up.

                An idea popped in my head, so I took one glance at a sleeping Niall before stalking out of the room. I wanted Harry to sing to me, but I didn’t want to wake up the poor Irishman, so I just walked into Harry’s bedroom and sat on the bed. Like a suspected, a moment later he walked in and shut the door behind him, raising his brow at me.

                Grinning like I had won a Nobel Prize, I said, “Sing to me, curls.”

                And then he grinned too, and walked over to sit next to me on the bed. “What song would you like me to honor you with?”

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